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*crazy architecture

*crazy money
Jan 27, 14 6:52 am  · 

Be careful what you wish for. 

Jan 27, 14 8:53 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton
Angry irritated day. Grumble grumble grumble. Argh. Stupid day. Nothing works day. Figures it's Monday day.
Jan 27, 14 3:00 pm  · 

Just put in my two weeks. Heading to sunnier shores.

Jan 27, 14 4:19 pm  · 

good luck sneaky pete.

any fun stories about bringing in a brass band to say goodbye, or leaving an upper decker behind?  or just a rough monday and you didn't want to deal with it?

Jan 27, 14 4:22 pm  · 


Jan 28, 14 8:11 am  · 

@sneakypete better job or literally sunnier shores?...

morning TC!

Jan 28, 14 9:10 am  · 

Better job for my career goals, literally sunnier shores (when the fog isn't around, anyhow). I am moving to the Bay Area.

Jan 28, 14 9:29 am  · 

Woohoo! Love SF. Congrats. 

Jan 28, 14 11:30 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton
Does "the Bay Area" always refer to San Francisco? Aren't there other bays? Hampton Bay, Huron Bay. I'm probably just making those up.
Jan 28, 14 1:04 pm  · 

Hamptons Bays?

Ewww ...

Jan 28, 14 1:13 pm  · 

Hudson Bay....

Jan 28, 14 6:07 pm  · 

Guantanamo Bay

Jan 28, 14 6:55 pm  · 

Huron Bay?  you're probably thinking of Saginaw Bay.  Huron is the lake.  and it's pronounced "lake urine."  The real "Huron Bay" is actually a Fjord.

Jan 28, 14 9:24 pm  · 



Ugh, you guys, I made a dumb, dumb math mistake and now have to resubmit to the structural engineer for more calcs. There goes my project budget.

Jan 28, 14 9:27 pm  · 

love the NorCal Bay area but i find generally most Bay areas are lovely...

also didn't someone mention bronies recently? or was that on one of my other social networks...

Jan 28, 14 9:28 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton
If by recently you meant months ago, maybe. Teenage boys should not be cheering for my little ponies.
Jan 28, 14 9:50 pm  · 

Tampa Bay

After the Knicks game I flipped to the SOTU only to find oBOMBa shilling for the insurance companies.


Jan 28, 14 10:02 pm  · 

yeah maybe a month or so ago... and agreed.

Jan 28, 14 10:03 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Just out of curiosity, are other careers run by incompetent people making decisions about things they know nothing about, and then not telling the people that their decisions directly affect, but still expect those people to be the spokespeople between the 'company' and the public?

Jan 29, 14 12:50 pm  · 
Sarah: yes, most of them. Think: law, business, politics...

What, you gotta problem with my little pony?
Jan 29, 14 12:52 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton
I have stated it here before. The new version of my little pony is wholly inappropriate for young children, and I'm supposing this was the intended audience. I fine with cartoons. I'm even ok with inappropriate cartoons. But My little Pony should be on Adult Swim.
Jan 29, 14 1:07 pm  · 

wow, really? I imagined it as the same as the carebears used to be. Never would have imagined the cute horse critters could be crude.  Anything can be turned if the force is powerful enough I guess. Come to the dark side little pony; Little pony, I am your father...

Jan 29, 14 8:06 pm  · 

re: sarah's point, have to admit that this from link i posted previously about new version of My Little Ponies

"Or why, with their square faces and little peaked ears, they look less like horses than like the erotic cats drawn by  Ralph Bakshi and Reed Waller."

left me a bit unsettled...

Jan 29, 14 9:51 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton
Sort of subject change: I just got an email that they're canceling my animation classes next year because I'm the only one that can teach them. I still get to teach graphic design and printing, though. That's right, send your kid to my high school if you want them to get cancer and stained fingers working in a print shop. Way to aim high little buddy!

Really, I just feel bad for the kids I have that really want animation to be their career. They have a passion, and the powers that be don't care.

I mean, I know there arent a whole lot of jobs in animation. There also aren't a whole lot in graphic design when you think about it. You still have to go to college, unless you're aiming for that printshop tech position.

Sucks. Wish they'd told me before I spent the last two weeks rebranding and printing school of animation propaganda.
Jan 29, 14 10:43 pm  · 

Argh, sorry, Sarah.  Seems your school district keeps cutting away all the fun stuff, as most of them seem to do. Sad.

I'm thinking I need to get on Twitter - not to post anything myself, but to keep up with the other conversations.  The #FolkMoma Twitter page was awesome last night (I didn't read it till this morning).

Jan 29, 14 11:21 pm  · 

twitter is an eater of time. be careful!

@ sarah, why would they cancel it because only you can teach it? isn't that the point of you being there?

It's not just about fun education.  Its also hard to see where innovation is going to come from when creativity is considered a sub-discipline. What the heck is wrong with out priorities?

Jan 30, 14 1:16 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton
The issue seems to be that there are two high schools, and they want both campuses to have the same classes. It's cheaper to cancel my courses than to hire a new teacher.

There is also this new graduation requirement bill, house bill 5(HB5). It states that students must have 4 classes in a career field of study to get an "endorsement". Because education powers aren't very creative, they only choose classes from the official Texas Education list, and they only get extra funding for certain career and technology classes. The district wants student to graduate with either work experience or with industry certifications. The plan for my incoming graphic designers is this:

9th: art 1 and Printing and Imaging Tech ( a history of, and how to of print) and they will get their OSHA Cert.

10th: graphic design 1 (begin designing with illustrator and photoshop)

11th: graphic design II

12th: working in the school print shop producing posters and tshirts. For free.

Ninth graders don't know what graphic designers do. Heck, most adults don't know that. I'm not sure that this is going to go well.
Jan 30, 14 7:53 am  · 

sarah -that sucks. 


School district budgets are getting crunched right now because healthcare costs are rising faster than inflation.  - I think healthcare is now at least 10% and approaching 20% of most school district's budgets (a lot of it is tied to pensions).  If this isn't a good case for single payer, I have no idea what is.  rising cost of healthcare is essentially making it harder to provide quality education and more options for students.  This burden needs to be shifted off of municipalities.

Jan 30, 14 10:26 am  · 

that's funny.  they want to teach students how to run a print shop, so they don't have to pay a print shop to run their prints.

they need a good intro to accounting class so they can get students to file teacher's taxes and launder the administrator's money.

only in texas.  i hope.

Jan 30, 14 10:28 am  · 

When a contractor blocks you in a client meeting and tells the clients he can take it from there and improve the design because he is also a designer, this is a good accessory to wear. Few weeks later he doesn't get the job because he never talked to you asked any questions about the design and all this time trying to tell clients about the finishes all the while doing this over your stamped set of drawings rolled out on the table and his bid was so granite finishes everywhere. Even in 10 minutes he cut seventy thousand in a last ditch effort. I had the pleasure of telling him this is not a project about fancy finishes.

Jan 30, 14 11:59 pm  · 

I'd tell him I was sorry he didn't get it and send him more work to bid on with the full intention of never awarding him a job. See how many jobs he bids before he catches on. 

Jan 31, 14 12:33 am  · 

i don't understand if its the pin or the jacket that helps, orhan?

either way, crazy.


@ sarah, that is just not good. By chance just had meeting with graphic designer this morning. She is hopefully going to make a catalogue for a studio we had last year. There were no tee-shirts involved, sadly.

The graphic designers I know are crazy multi-disciplinary. they do serious sophisticated coding for websites, hack google maps, make posters, and in some cases design bank notes for their home country. How to teach that kind of flexibility of thinking is maybe the hardest thing. Is it possible when you have to be mirrored in the school across the way?  Sounds completely about administration not education.

Jan 31, 14 12:35 am  · 

Definitely the jacket, no one fucks with a man wearing brown corduroy, especially the wide cord. Seriously, Orhan, don't you just love it when that happens?

Jan 31, 14 6:17 am  · 
vado retro

wide whale. nuf said.

Jan 31, 14 7:20 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton
It's funny, I would never have the audacity to actually call myself a graphic designer. I just don't have the education. But having had an architecture education, I feel pretty qualified to teach it to High schoolers. And I'm certainly more qualified than the business teacher that's teaching it at the other HS now.

We actually had lunch together yesterday, and he asked why I didn't like his student's original logo for the joined print shop venture. I tried to explain analysis drawings, and stripping a logo down to its basic elements so the brain can more easily see what's happening. I think I overwhelmed him.

I'd love to talk to Rationalist about what she looks for in a graphic design hire. Maybe I'll message her.

We start color theory on Thursday. Those poor kids just THOUGHT they finished color in kindergarten.
Jan 31, 14 8:16 am  · 

Josef Albers?

Jan 31, 14 8:45 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Miles, we will cover some of that, but without color-aide paper, I'm not sure how effective it will be.  I'm hoping I can have them do the same sorts of color-interaction digitally, but not sure it will work.  I learned so much about color from that exercise in college.


Wonder if we have the book in the library.

Jan 31, 14 9:56 am  · 

orhan - do you have matching trousers?


anyone else catch this article about Atlanta's recent "snow storm?"  Basically an example of what happens when policy allows sprawling auto-centric development patterns combined with a relatively minor (although abnormal) weather event.  Of course this won't shift policy because there's still money to be had, but isn't is really bizarre that we just sort of accept the fact that someone had to sleep overnight in a CVS because there was 3 inches of snow?

Jan 31, 14 10:24 am  · 


And one report was of people bring food to people stranded in their car.


Jan 31, 14 11:13 am  · 

One worry I have about moving to a place with rare winter weather is that, although I can drive in the snow, nobody there can.

Jan 31, 14 11:33 am  · 

You're not worrying enough. In the last 150 years there has been appreciable snow in SF four times.

Jan 31, 14 11:37 am  · 

Shit. Now I need to go buy snow tires.

Jan 31, 14 11:54 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

So a friend of mine just shared this website with me.  I don't think I will get anything else done today.


Maybe he isn't a friend after all.

Jan 31, 14 1:35 pm  · 

Just keep a folding bike in your trunk.  Snow tires won't help you if there's a pile-up on the highway.

Jan 31, 14 1:39 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

Snow tires? They had to pass a law banning chains on vehicles where I live.

Jan 31, 14 2:35 pm  · 

the solution is obviously hovercars.

@sarah, you could make your students dress like Itten, cuz that helps with graphic design too.

We did his color theory in first year too. Or it might have been kandinsky's, can't remember, except I thought it was silly.  If they had shown us his picture i would have taken it way more seroiously. 

Jan 31, 14 6:43 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton
Is that a light saber, or is he just happy to see me?
Jan 31, 14 6:51 pm  · 

He's really really really happy to see you.

Jan 31, 14 8:42 pm  · 

now there's a story on NPR about a doctor who walked 6 miles in an inch of snow.  yeah - it's great he braved the elements to save a life, but wtf is wrong with this country where a less than 2 hour walk is somehow extra-ordinary?  not even 100 years ago people did this on a regular basis.

Jan 31, 14 8:56 pm  · 

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