Total Environment Building Systems (Shibanee & Kamal Architects)

Total Environment Building Systems (Shibanee & Kamal Architects)

Bangalore, IN


For the very longest time, DESIGN, in the apartment space, has meant just “decoration” or “styling”.  Total Environment, however, realized, very early on, that a  home in a high-rise, high density housing community, COULD be much better, and took on the idea of embracing nature and creating high quality homes that were warm and individually designed around each family. However, this was only possible by taking on the daunting task of Developing and Constructing such homes and not just designing them. Total Environment has led this change from very poorly planned and poorly built “pigeon-hole flats” to SMART homes with warm sunny spaces with gardens, water bodies and wood decks - and where everything, from lights, to sprinklers to music, is controlled through a smart tablet.

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Status: Under Construction