Somang Yang

Somang Yang

Chicago, IL, US


Node Healthcare for Autism spectrum disorder and Sensory processing disorder

Nodes in the brain are a point in which lines or pathways intersect or branch; a central or connecting point. Much like the connecting path of these nodes, the use of fiber optics has connected Lebanon to the rest of the world. The community of Beirut took connectivity into their own hands by establishing maps to correspond with the public transportation system. The ways in which the people of Beirut are connected will be reflected in the Node healthcare center.  The Node Healthcare Center will transform the current perception of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and sensory processing disorder (SPD) in Beirut, the progressive community within the middle east. Node will be the leading influence for the surrounding areas as a call for equity. Focusing on creating an environment of individualized peace and seamless integration between patient accommodations and practitioner well-being will enhance the importance of holistic treatment for children with ASD/SPD and their families from diagnosis to wellness.   

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Status: School Project
Location: Beirut, LB
My Role: Interior Designer
Additional Credits: Bailey Lushina, Courtney Brown