Sai Wentum

Sai Wentum


Education Hub
Education Hub
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Innovation District: Innovation Hub

The Innovation District forms the urban pixel aiming to create the cities creative hub, by focusing on a specific area of interest for it's program and function. 

Formed by linear axes, the urban pixel allocates three day-to-day activities to three of it's quarters: live; learn; work. The fourth quarter is formed when the activities of the professionals (work) and students (learn) overlap to form the district's Innovation Hub.

As a result it is aimed that students and professionals of the creative and technological field's interact as a means of generating new and innovative ideas that they are able to share with one another and the community around them.  

The Hub itself further engages with the community and city fabric, by sitting on the site as an urban landscape, allowing it's visitors and users to walk upon and through it's perforations. It works as a mixed use building that aims to encourage interaction between it’s different user groups who’s activities are interrelated.

Products made by the students and professionals are sold at ground level where there are programs in retail and dining, to invite public visitors. The public can also witness some workshop activities on the process of manufacturing to hopefully inspire their own creative activities.

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Status: School Project
My Role: Architectural Researcher/Designer
Additional Credits: Co- Architectural Researcher/Designers:

Urban Strategy
Urban Strategy
Innovation District
Innovation District