Octavian Geliman

Octavian Geliman

Los Angeles, CA, US


Fire Station #21

New 24,700 SF, two-story LEED Certified Fire Station, and a 5,249 SF, one-story apparatus storage and maintenance building (total construction cost: $11.4 M). The program for the station includes living and support space for a crew of 17, and apparatus bays to accommodate 3 fire fighting and 3 paramedic vehicles along with the renovation of the existing 4,287 SF historic 1950 fire station. Site construction included an emergency generator, electric vehicle charging station, storm-water clarifier, and dry hose tower.

The new building is a two-story structure with lobby, offices, multipurpose room, conference room, kitchen and dining rooms on the first floor, and dormitory, locker and shower facilities on the second floor.

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Status: Built
Location: Los Angeles, CA, US
My Role: Senior Construction Administrator
Additional Credits: gkkworks