Noah Gomez

Noah Gomez

Fontana, CA, US



To help alleviate the growing demand for architectural education at Cal Poly Pomona , this project called for a 13 story tower and plinth facility to house an expanded school of architecture. The studio’s pedagogical approach to the project was through an extensive field study exercise. The goal of the project was to use compositional 2D elements of our field studies as a generative blueprint for eventual architectural forms. Our particular studio took the approach of recreating our field studies into abstract art pieces that would inform the project in ways we saw fit. 

The project strives to capture to essense of the mountain form. The perforated metal facade bands were generated by the sharp diagonal patterns created by the field study exercise. One’s experience of the project is felt in relation to the facade;  the project presents itself differently when viewed at different proximities and scales. The thicker bands of the perforated metal facade also house staircases that connect the various studio floors to two lobby floors that serve as hubs for the building. The perforation helps to provide shade to the studio spaces while also allowing the maximum amount of natural light to enter the spaces. 

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Status: School Project
Location: Pomona, CA, US