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MVRDV designs The Cloud for Seoul’s Yongsan Dreamhub

The Cloud at Yongsan Dreamhub, Seoul, South Korea (Image: Luxigon/MVRDV) The Cloud is located at the entrance to the Dreamhub master plan (Image: Luxigon/MVRDV) Aerial view of the cloud (Image: Luxigon/MVRDV) Closeup of the cloud (Image: Luxigon/MVRDV) Approaching the towers (Image: MVRDV) Interior of the Sky Lounge (Image: Luxigon/MVRDV) Public deck on the cloud (Image: MVRDV) Apartment corner (Image: MVRDV) Void open (Image: MVRDV) Void closed (Image: MVRDV) Lobby (Image: MVRDV)

Closeup of the cloud (Image: Luxigon/MVRDV)

Closeup of the cloud (Image: Luxigon/MVRDV)