Darryl O'Neill

Darryl O'Neill

Waterford, IE


An Art Gallery for Mallow

This project included a contemporary art gallery, an art studio, and a public café along the river Blackwater. The site was an empty green space that had huge potential for development. 

The urban analysis at the beginning of the project drew out some interesting aspects that would impact the project design. The site was situated between the town centre and the suburbs and pedestrians were forced around it taking them longer on their route to and from the town. The main factor which shaped my idea was therefore the path which people took through my development.

The design intent was to guide people through the site from either edge in harmony with the design and to revitalise the sites natural beauty. This meant that non users could walk along the route enjoying picturesque views of the gardens or travel down into the gardens and arrive at the other side.

The buildings were on an axis with people’s movement across the site. The café enjoyed a spectacular view of the river and town. The art studio was heavily glazed to allow the public a view into the workshops which sat comfortably along the pedestrian route. 

The art gallery was intended to stand as a monumental figure suitably scaled for the town. It stood alone in front of the public gardens dominating the site. The materiality used was intended to give it a heavy tectonic look, something that seemed to be existing for decades and could stand forever.

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Status: School Project
Location: Cork, IE
My Role: Architect