Ivan Milev

Ivan Milev

Sofia, BG


THA1842 - 1718 (1718 Design Studio 6: Culture Context Place (International)) - ''Chongqing Interactive Educational Center"

Here you can find a link to my online portfolio in which you can analyze the whole project: https://ivanmilevarch.myportfo...

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Status: School Project
Location: Chongqing Shi, CN
My Role: Architect and designer
Additional Credits: Credit by:
- University of Huddersfield - Architecture Team that took part into the first phase of the project (site analysis): Iulia Nazarin, Dariana Nistor, Andrei Dimitrescu, Ivan Milev
- Chongqing Jiaotong University - Architecture Department - collaboration for better understanding of the site and its analysis as well as design process.