
Obama is the Anti-Reagan


No, I am no demagogue.

I am more like Leonidas in the battle of Thermoplylae. Or perhaps the one sane citizen in all of Troy who tried to sound the alarm against the Trojan Horse of multiCULTuralism which is an infectious manifestation of the disease of Marxism (communism)...only to be burned at the stake.

Its alright...prophets of all stripes are never accepted in their own time or place...if they were they wouldn't be prophets.

You all are (with rare exception) merely rats marching to the beat of the pied piper about to drown and yet have no idea to the extent to which the real demogogues of the day actually control your programming.

More power to you. If you want to drown that is your would you please afford me the same courtesy however and stop importing the destruction of the West so's I have a place to fight for and leave my grandchildren?

After all there have ALWAYS been more than enough third world cesspools to practice your hippie ideals and well-intentioned Don Quixote-like maladventures in...take your pick...I'll be happy to buy you a one way ticket.

Just know that the 1/3 of this land of the Free and the Home of the Brave already have shaken themselves from their slumber and have come to the realization that they've already been marginalized...therefore your attempt to shame these people that bleed red, white and blue into a politically correct silence (Alisky's RUles for Radicals aka Marxist drivel) is useless.

"Sometimes nothing can be a real cool hand" -Coolhand Luke

Apr 19, 10 7:10 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

"What we’ve got here is 'failure to communicate'." -- Cool Hand Luke


Apr 19, 10 7:31 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

"Are you still believin' in that big bearded Boss up there? You think he's watchin' us?"

Apr 19, 10 7:33 pm  · 
drums please, Fab?

without a doubt, obama is definitely NOT reagan

Apr 19, 10 7:54 pm  · 

Hey Frac, what do you think of what paul has to say?

Apr 19, 10 8:06 pm  · 

I saw an advertisement on "holier than thou" archinect at the top of my screen a few moments ago that said something like:

"Exposed: Obamadingo and Bernedoutake's secret war on the dollar"

HAHAHAHA how funny! I wonder why the tools that admin this site don't ban that advertiser? hint: follow the money.

And for all the unitiated fools (or rats tuned into the Piped Pipers of the world) who don't know what the "secret" is....drumroll:

The Fed is a private bank. Obamadingo merely represents the interests of the unions and the corporations. To keep all of the above in power they simply print more money aka inflation, which is simply a complicated way of legalized counterfieting or theft. The government tab and educational tab and union tabs are all picked up by...drumroll...the taxpayers...if there are even any left these days to pay for all that funny monopoly money "whirleybird" Bernedoutake's been stealing lately (psstttt -Its been going on ever since the Fed reserve was secretly spawned by the banker cartels on an island named -no joke- Jekyll Island)...and that is way before Greenspan for all those who were born yesterday and fell off the turnip truck yesterday out there

But don't tell anybody or else you might not get that "free" lunch you thought would magically come your way everyday for the rest of your life. God forbid people might have to start working again.

Apr 19, 10 8:07 pm  · 

Ahhh Yes... the good old Federal Reserve...stealing the average idiot blind since 1913.

Apr 19, 10 8:08 pm  · 

But hey...don't listen to me...I'm just a demogoggue ROTFLOL!

Bernake is a saint and obamadingo is the ONE.

Apr 19, 10 8:10 pm  · 

I mean its kind of sad, right?

Apr 19, 10 9:00 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn


HAHAHA. That's so bad it is funny.

Apr 19, 10 9:39 pm  · 


I actually think Unicorn Slaughter is one of the best/ most clever forum names I have ever heard of....seriously not joking here.

It really reminds me of this awesome movie from my childhood called the Last Unicorn. Great movie...kind of creepy though...very symbolic kind of in the same grain as this particular thread.

I have wondered for some time if that is where Red Bull power drinks got their name from...the Red Bull in the movie that is. The Last Unicorn was wayyy hot...until I found out who actually did the voice that is.

Apr 19, 10 9:48 pm  · 

I recently purchased the Last Unitcorn special edition but I threw it out because I didn't want my kids to watch it and have bad dreams...very creepy but awesome in all the coolest ways.

Apr 19, 10 9:49 pm  · 
drums please, Fab?

still anti-reagan

Apr 3, 13 7:21 pm  · 

thank god. i can't live through another fake 25 year economic boom, and lose my shit when i'm 70. fuck, and at least Obama won't be the 2nd president with alzheimers to run this country.


damn raygun was sofucking wrong for this country. foreign policy, domestic, social, everything he touched turned to shit.

Apr 3, 13 10:45 pm  · 

Stop drinking the Kool-Aid, BO is the Black Bush.

We have a two party system. One party is made up of billionaires and the corporate politicians and media that they own. The other is made up of citizens.

Apr 3, 13 11:39 pm  · 
chatter of clouds

sorry, to my non-american palette, there has always been something quite distateful about obama. whenever he gives one of his speeches, i feel like im watching a hollywood movie with a bravado morally saturated evangelical black president/ figure of authority. very hollywood type. i cringe at his speeches...that also might have been penned within a hollywood script. i cringed at "Yes we can". there is a reason why such bravado  hallelujahs are complemented by impending global or national disasters in the american film industry/ american psyche. Obama was elected to compensate for the lack of a previous hallelujah to give catharsis to the american people for the katerina storm, the 9-11, the war mongering...etc. he was an elected sigh of (some) relief. an expression.

but also he is from a liberal urbane background. he supports gay rights, women rights, multiethnicity,...etc. he makes all the "right moves" when it comes to your average non-hick/non-red neck (or black-neck)  probably-city who is not too far removed from the rest of the world and specifically eurocentric socialist  (run for your lives). ergo, the stance on health care, gun control..etc

however, what this means is that the US people are polarized. either between a culture that harkens back to their foundation as 'wagon race for a piece of land, build a fence around, protect it against other of your own ilk - let alone of others' and the resultant  community with the incurred breed of morality  that ensued  from it and, in contrast, a city dwellers' model with a very different appreciation of public and private space.

so, him, a more liberal urbane character with a penchant for culturally engrained melodrama. that is what he is - no need to deify him. the americans en masse are therefor quite puzzling people - they have the morality of the protestants and yet the fervorous imagination of the catholics wanting either to make him son of god or satan.

he is not so glorious to rise to these epic heights or plummet to these remarkable depths.

anyway, his last motions within the middle east were quite disgusting and devoid of any moral substance. an example of how its the moral attitude need not correspond to a moral substance.


Apr 4, 13 2:08 am  · 

Obama wasn't elected, he was installed.

Bush proved that elections don't determine "winners", first when he was installed by the Supreme Court, which refused to allow a recount in Florida (if you can't count the votes, the election is invalid) and second in Ohio, where there is all kinds of evidence of vote tampering.

Between these facts, the ease with which electronic ballots can be manipulated, gerrymandering, unlimited private and corporate donations and media buys, the exclusion of candidates that the establishment doesn't approve of, exclusion of whole classes of people from voting and registration, etc., it is clear that the entire election process is a fraud.

The League of Women voters stopped sponsoring presidential debates in 1988 with a press release that stated: LEAGUE REFUSES TO "HELP PERPETRATE A FRAUD". The Commission on Presidential Debates is a corporate funded sham designed to exclude third party candidates and prevent any real debate from taking place.

Stop drinking the Kool-Aid. Nobody can be president without the full approval and support of the corporate-financial complex. So even an overwhelming turnout for one candidate over the other, beyond the capability of the system to defeat by other means, is meaningless because both candidates (there can only be two!) are owned by the same interests.

Apr 4, 13 10:50 am  · 

Stop drinking the Kool-Aid. Nobody can be president without the full approval and support of the corporate-financial complex. So even an overwhelming turnout for one candidate over the other, beyond the capability of the system to defeat by other means, is meaningless because both candidates (there can only be two!) are owned by the same interests.

Agree 100%.

Apr 4, 13 11:31 am  · 
drums please, Fab?


Apr 4, 13 11:33 am  · 

i suppose you can look here to get an idea of how to help, if you think american elections are broken:

i didn't follow all of your links miles, but it sort of looks like you're suggesting obama was installed by republican governors rigging elections to favor the democrat?  or he was installed by the media because they refused access to debate for certain candidates

Apr 4, 13 11:52 am  · 

Nope, Obama was installed by the same people who installed Bush. It has nothing to do with voting or party and everything to do with money. The money owns both sides.

Apr 4, 13 1:04 pm  · 

Word!  The world is run by the financial elite.  This don't stop in the US either.  Same shit in the EU.  We the sheeple keep bailing these bastards out.  And when that is not enough, they take us to war... 

Any canidate that threatens to dismantle this "friendly facist" structure is shut out by the media and labled extremist.  Repubs, Dems, all the same shit...They only differ on issues that have no bearing on the establishment so that we get the illusion of choice... 

As far as I'm concerned, there is no way to change this system.  We can only change ourselves and our culture.  No society has ever been changed for the better through political movement, only social and cultural movements.  The kind we need at this particular time in history is one that promotes decentralization and rejects empire and all of the centralised structures that support it.  Local production of food and energy, small business that helps to establish a broader ownership class, and last but not least, community (not in a forced socialist way, but rather in a individualist way like in the late 1960's)  We also need to reject the desire to be one of the "elite"  Stop with the bling bling bulshit and get back to what matters.  Part of the problem in this country is that everyone truly believes that they will be rich one day.  They "vote" in the interest of their imaginary self rather than their actual self....

Apr 4, 13 2:12 pm  · 

What most people don't realize is that they vote every time they buy something. The wallet vote is far more powerful than the one you cast at the ballot box.

Buy an iPhone, support slave labor in China. Buy local food and products, support your local community. Stop funding corporations and their wars of conquest.

Apr 4, 13 3:22 pm  · 

you're all full of horse shit.

Apr 4, 13 4:37 pm  · 

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