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Nothing to worry about, the guy who died on the plane en route from Lagos was probably killed by the in-flight meal.

Oct 17, 14 1:17 pm  · 

maybe it was polonium.  i don't think we're taking the polonium crisis seriously.  that stuff kills people.

Oct 17, 14 2:50 pm  · 
vado retro

I'm in Natchitoches, Louisiana eating crawfish pie. We had a tornado in our neighborhood and have been without power since Monday. Natchitoches is pretty but like all picturesque towns the Harley riding rebels are always buzzing through.

Oct 17, 14 3:05 pm  · 

Carrera, I was up at 4:30 and drawing at my workstation by 6. Makes me want to hang someone.

Holy crap, my first ARE is in 11 days and I just got a whole heap of deadline doo-doo dumped over my head. I may have to take up the coffee habit again.

Oct 17, 14 3:11 pm  · 

I rode a 5am subway to a job site meeting once - on a saturday - nothing but people in scrubs and construction workers on that train.  surprisingly packed, though.

Oct 17, 14 8:02 pm  · 

I generally start around 10.

Oct 17, 14 8:17 pm  · 

In my retirement I bought the 10-1-4 watch by M&Co. If you know it - it only has 3 numbers, 10-1-4. 10 is when I get up, 1 is when I change from my pajamas into my clothes and 4 is when I change from my clothes back into my pajamas, works great.

Oct 17, 14 8:30 pm  · 

good luck archanonymous! Personally I love coffee.

@vado tell me more re: this crawfish pie...

Oct 17, 14 10:30 pm  · 

Tammuz - although a little overstated, I agree with most of your post. Although I generally think the evolution of society bends towards justice and peace, it is pretty clear that "the end of history" that many philosophers believed had happened some time between the French Revolution and the computer age did not, in fact, come to pass.

Nam, thanks for the encouragement! I am taking structural systems first, which is a strong suit of mine, so I am hoping the lack of study time won't be a big deal. I take solace in the fact they are scored on a curve and most architects couldn't sit down and draw a force diagram if asked to right now.

Oct 18, 14 9:50 am  · 

I could draw a force diagram of a simply supported beam, and maybe a cantilever, but that's about it.

Good luck with the exams!

Oct 18, 14 11:22 am  · 
vado retro

nam- crawfish pie is pretty easy. the one i had yesterday resembled a large empanada. the others ive had are just pies. whatcha do is melt some butter add some onion,celery and red bell pepper and saute for five or so minutes add a pound of crawfish tails and heavy cream and cook some of the cream down . add some green onion and parsley and some hot sauce , salt and pepper to taste. cook for a bit more. put the mixture into a pie crust and and cover with your top crust casing. pop it into an preheated @450 oven for ten minutes turn down to 350 and bake for 20 minutes more.

Oct 18, 14 6:30 pm  · 

Mmm crawfish pies. Get yourself some boudain and grits and some collared greens also and you've got a classic southern dinner.

Yes, Donna, but you are an exceptional Architect and probably not representative of the majority.

Oct 19, 14 2:03 pm  · 

No, archanonymous, I'm not exceptional: I have a BArch degree from the 80s, when they still spent four semesters on structures. Any of my classmates could do the same.

I mean, I try not to be snotty about it, but I do think schools used to train architects better, meaning train them to practice, to have a lot of hard knowledge about the field, to meet client needs, to work in firms, to understand codes, structures, systems, site planning....

It's a really divisive conversation,  and there's not a way I can discuss it without coming off as a grumpy "you kids get offa my lawn!" old timer, so I don't talk about it too much.  Wait for an upcoming podcast, though, and I just may go ahead and let loose...

Oct 19, 14 2:10 pm  · 

I would tend to agree... That's not what the academy considers Architecture with a capital A, though. At least not anymore.

Oct 19, 14 4:44 pm  · 
If I'm going to college for architecture I would prefer that method over today's. You don't sound like you're being a naggy old timer at all.
Oct 19, 14 8:57 pm  · 

Hey Carrera, I want to contact you.  Send me a PM via Archinect?

Oct 20, 14 8:13 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton
Holy hell, how'd I get 3 pages behind on TC?! And I missed a discussion on grits (we eat them with browned cheddar cheese, bacon, and jalapeños — it IS Texas!)

Speaking of, I do NOT want a wall around my state, thank you very much. Ebola and Rick Perry be damned. So glad he's not running for office this time, although I'm sure his replacement will be just as bad, education cuts and privatization, and all.

Also, there is a rooster that lives behind us. Crows all day 5AM til 8PM. Wish Donna would come down and butcher that. We could make coc au vain.

Oh, and I totally got the stink-eye from the school nurse today for sending Abe to school after he'd thrown up this morning. He didn't have a fever. Probably has Ebola. Wonder if they will close the school for decontamination now.
Oct 20, 14 1:48 pm  · 

Ha! +++ Sarah

Oct 20, 14 2:19 pm  · 

One of my coworkers just up and quit.  I'm quite envious.

Oct 20, 14 2:46 pm  · 

Why does that make you nervous?

Oct 20, 14 3:37 pm  · 

vado sounds easy and delicious. do the tails have to be fresh or can you use frozen?

imagine that might change baking time, unless defrosted first?

Hi TC!

Oct 20, 14 3:57 pm  · 

Donna, I did send you a PM with my email. Didn’t hear back so I suppose I offended you again. Forgot the smiley-faces at the end of each of my sarcastic sentences. Here’s a bunch of them, just cut-and-paste accordingly, then reread and write me back….:) :) :) :) :)

Oct 20, 14 4:05 pm  · 
It went to my junk folder, Carerra. Just responded.
Oct 20, 14 5:44 pm  · 


You will be glad to know people from Connecticut pay their electric and gas bill in Texas.  I have yet to figure this on out except  that Perry came here last year courting businesses to move to Texas.  I guess the Public Utility Company of Connecticut crawled right up to the bar and said, "Sure Thing Mr. Perry, our customers will not mind sending their  utility payments to Texas for processing."

I say:  Bring Back Jobs to Connecticut!

Oct 20, 14 7:05 pm  · 
True or not true that Texas can legally secede? As part of the whole "they used to be their own country" thing. If that's true, we should make them secede, THEN build the walls.
Oct 20, 14 8:14 pm  · 
vado retro

It's pretty easy, nam. Several videos on YouTube

Oct 20, 14 8:18 pm  · 

I thought this secession thing was settled in the Civil War... No they can't seceed.

Oct 21, 14 9:28 am  · 
Hmm, okay. I was grossly misinformed then. I was under the impression Texas could secede because America simply annexed them before they became part of the Union. Oh well.
Oct 21, 14 9:55 am  · 

There are no more “States” anymore, really, it’s just 1 big State and that 1 big State has gotten so powerful that it may end up to be just 1 big country, world wide – at least that’s what they are trying to do.

Oct 21, 14 9:59 am  · 

OMG I'm seriously tearing up at the news that Oscar de la Renta is dead. I'm such a sap!

Oct 21, 14 10:50 am  · 

They are all dyeing Donna, suck-it-up, these are people that could lead – wondering if they are replaceable.

Oct 21, 14 10:54 am  · 

here's a good little faq on texas secession:

go ahead and secede guys. 

Oct 21, 14 12:06 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton
I wonder if states like Montana or Wyoming ever talk of succession.

I love that we used to be a country. I love that we can fly our flag at the same height as the US flag. But if we succeeded, I'd be screwed. We'd become one of those religious states ruled by the right and big corporations, like how I perceive Saudi Arabia and Iran are.
Oct 21, 14 1:05 pm  · 

We'd become one of those religious states ruled by the right and big corporations

We're not?! Money is religion for many. 

Oct 21, 14 1:25 pm  · 

i think the rest of us want you to secede so the right wing nutters would leave us alone and run off to texas.  obviously money is the religion of the religious right.  god wants you to be rich.

you're welcome to join us in the normal USofA

Oct 21, 14 3:42 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton
Yeah, but Texas is so cool. It's only been the last 15 years that it went crazy. Come to think of it, it seems to coincide with the exit of our last female governor.
Oct 21, 14 4:15 pm  · 

around 15 years ago was dawn of the internet revolution.  around 2000-2001 during the first dot-com bust is when we began to realize that we've entered into a completely new epoch, and we've been spending the past decade+ trying to reconcile things economically and culturally.  These kinds of massive cultural discrepant events are difficult for a lot of people to process...  and Texas is a place that benefited from the old economy...

Oct 21, 14 9:52 pm  · 

Texas still has a great economy. Houston will pass Chicago as the US's third largest city sometime in the next 20 years.

The united states is a corporate kleptocracy, stealing from the weak and working to enrich the powerful and privelaged old white men of the country.
Sarah, we already are ruled by the right and big corporations, but it is much more insidious than in Iran or Saudi Arabia or China... At least there you know you aren't free... Here the veneer of choice and democracy lulls the populace into complacency while those bastards of blinding white hair and greedy hands pillage the economic and cultural soul of the country.

Oct 21, 14 11:15 pm  · 

If we leave, I say we take Delaware with us.  That way, our corporations will stay intact.

Oct 22, 14 9:30 am  · 
Non Sequitur

So... with all this separating discussion, I gather that Texas is like the Quebec of the US?

Oct 22, 14 9:40 am  · 

Why isn't Richard Balkins Esq. pontificating on this subject?

Oct 22, 14 10:06 am  · 

shhhhhh miles, keep thread central quiet.

non sequitur, texas is where the bush family (except jeb) and rick perry live.  i suppose that's more like toronto with rob ford?

Oct 22, 14 10:12 am  · 
Non Sequitur

curtkram, sounds about right. 

BTW, The Canadian parliament buildings (and all of Ottawa downtown) are in lock-down at the moment since they were just stormed by one (or two) gunmen. This is literally 100m from my desk.

Oct 22, 14 10:46 am  · 

Hey, don't knock Rob Ford. He's a helluva lot of fun to hang with.

Oct 22, 14 11:22 am  · 

Chicago is already the third largest city behind NYC and LA. Chicago will soon be number 4 behind Houston.

Oct 22, 14 12:28 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton
No, Bush and Perry aren't cool enough to partake of that "all you can eat" buffet.

And I don't know enough about Quebec to do a proper comparison. Husband when to Trois Riverre once. Said the escargot nachos were amazing.
Oct 22, 14 1:03 pm  · 

Gotta love Texas.

Losers Of Beer Pong Match Opened Fire On Fellow Texas Partygoers

Never played beer pong - is the winner more or less drunk than the loser? Or is the loser the one who blows his tanks first?

Oct 22, 14 4:14 pm  · 

Assuming no prior alcohol (ridiculous), the loser has drank/drunk/drinked the most.  But probably not by much.

Oct 22, 14 4:37 pm  · 

Volunteer - isn't that what I said?

Texas has many charms, it would be a shame if it did seceded. Aka Shiner Bock would be more expensive.

Oct 22, 14 4:55 pm  · 

Yes, that s what you said, my bad, The "Second City" will soon be number 4 any way you phrase it.

Oct 22, 14 5:39 pm  · 

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