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Mecanoo and Gispen launch modular furniture for learning environments

mecanoo PR
Mar 16, '17 12:31 PM EST

Architecture practice Mecanoo has teamed up with furniture manufacturer Gispen to work on creating the learning environment of the future: one which is dynamic, open and people-oriented. The result is an innovative modular furniture collection called HUBB.

Design for (un)predictable change
Learning is not limited to a single activity. In today’s educational system, no semester is the same when it comes to the curriculum or the teaching methods. Therefore, learning environments should be designed in such way that they can respond to changing needs, both in the short and long term.

Francine Houben, creative director at Mecanoo architecten, says: “Spaces in which creativity, innovation and identity are encouraged, and where people can exchange ideas and inspiration, provide a basis for lifelong learning.”

Endless combinations
HUBB allows for the creation of tailored learning environments which facilitate various activities. The furniture series consists of various elements with a seemingly straightforward basic shape which can be linked to form endless combinations and variations within a learning environment.

Paul Ketelaars, partner at Mecanoo architecten explains: “The series has been designed to form the backbone of a learning landscape which facilitates a wide range of different activities: from a zone for focussed study, to collaboration and a zone where one can meet friends and relax. HUBB’s universal design ensures these zones blend seamlessly with one another.”

Reconfigurable and sustainable
The modular system allows for the reconfiguration of HUBB elements when requirements change, making the series a future-proof interior solution. The series was designed and manufactured according to the latest insights on sustainability and the principles of the circular economy. It uses screw and snap connections instead of glue, and consists of steel, beech wood from reforestation forests, and PET felt.

Mecanoo/Gispen: Room to Learn (EN)