Dynerman Architects pc

Dynerman Architects pc

Washington, DC


Henri Beaufour Institute

Henri Beaufour Institute - Dynerman Architects

Our primary intention was to focus on a basic architectural issue: the relationship of the building to the site, an issue which is often ignored in commercial interior work. This is accomplished by establishing an ongoing dialogue between the base building architecture (the site) and the offices (the insertion). While each is made up of the same kit of parts - columns, walls, floors, roofs, cladding - they differ in scale, materials and sense of permanence. 

Awards & Publications

1997 National AIA; 1997 Honor
Award in Interior Architecture

1994 Institute of Business Designers: Project of the Year

1994 Institute of Business Designers: Will Ching FIBD Design Award

1993 Washington Chapter AIA Award: Merit Award in Interior Architecture

1993 Virginia Society of Architects Inform Magazine Award

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Status: Built
Location: Washington, DC, US
Firm Role: Architect