University of Kentucky

University of Kentucky

Lexington, KY


Professors Filson and Rorhbacher presented at Innovation Forum

By ukcod
Dec 14, '12 2:57 PM EST

UK/CoD professors Anne Filson and Gary Rohrbacher presented at the Autodesk University 2012 Innovation Forum in Las Vegas.
The presentation, entitled "Everyone's a Designer", proposed a new role for architects and design professionals precipitated by the emergence of personal manufacturing tools and the expansion of open source platforms and DIY culture.

Professors Filson and Rohrbacher are the principals at Filson and Rohrbacher, an architecture, design, and research firm. Their AtFab series of furniture has been featured in The Economist and Cool Hunting, and won Editors Choice at the 2011 Makers Faire.

Watch the video of the presentation "Everyone's a Designer" here.