Amelia Wong

Amelia Wong

West Hollywood, CA, US

Section rendering of TargetPlay
Section rendering of TargetPlay
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DUCK AND COVER | Thinking out of the Big Box

RSAUD’s design proposal / business strategy for Target encourages higher and better use of Big Box sites in urban communities.  Arguing that big box retailers, with their strong brand identities and large tracts of underused land, “represent the next frontier of public life - cum - market-driven development,” Sherman proposes thickening - literally and figuratively - Target’s logo to provide amenities on an over-scaled, sloping roof.  Part billboard, part landscape, the project would be a “Trojan horse for an expanded public realm,” attracting an “unlikely assortment of audiences.”

I was responsible for producing concept diagrams and organizing the final display boards for our presentation of “Duck and Cover” at the 4th International Architecture Biennale in Rotterdam. I also helped digitally model the complex geometries for the 3D prints that supplemented our boards.

This bold design proposal was also an Urban Land Institute (ULI) "Los Angeles Real Creativity (LARC) Award" Finalist and Southern California Development Forum Award Winner.


Roger Sherman Architecture + Urban Design | Team Project | Summer 2009

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Status: Unbuilt
Location: Tracy, California; Phoenix, Arizona; Brooklyn, New York
Additional Credits: RSAUD + G. Kochanowski, Q. Luong, A. Benson, J. Chavez, D. Gramstad, N. Lowie, B. Muha, S. Nwankpa, D. Philips, D. Poei, B. Ragle, S. Ragle

Concept - Evolution
Concept - Evolution
Concept - Deployment
Concept - Deployment
Snapshot of TargetPlay in Brooklyn, NY
Snapshot of TargetPlay in Brooklyn, NY
3D prints and actual exhibit at Rotterdam Biennale
3D prints and actual exhibit at Rotterdam Biennale