Allie Jarett

Allie Jarett

Richmond, VA, US

3/4' Sectional Model (basswood, acrylic, rockite)
3/4" Sectional Model (basswood, acrylic, rockite)
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Redefining the Mobile Home

The redefinition of the mobile home combines the functionality of a trailer with aesthetics of design. Five C-shaped components are arranged to define living space within a small footprint. Pre-fabricated in a factory for practicality, the compact space allows the mobile home to embrace this simple design in its purest form.

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Status: School Project

Analysis of Existing Trailer
Analysis of Existing Trailer
Redefinition of Trailer
Redefinition of Trailer
Fabrication Process
Fabrication Process
Transverse Section
Transverse Section
Entry Detail
Entry Detail
3/4' Model
3/4" Model