Christopher J. Nobes

Christopher J. Nobes

Troy, New York, US




Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, School of Architecture, Troy, New York, US, Materials & Enclosures Teacher's Assistant (Demetrios Comodromos)

>> Assisting students with new material and system exploration, while also formulating meaningful technological responses

Jan 2013 - May 2013

(TRIP) Troy Rehabilitation & Improvement Program, Troy, New York, US, Sustainability & Urban Architecture Intern

>> Designed sustainable solutions within built and vacant lots for a number of low income Troy residences
>> Generated multiple GIS mapping projects

** Recommendation Available Upon Request

Sep 2012 - Dec 2012

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, School of Architecture, Troy, New York, US, Construction Systems Teacher's Assistant (Jeremy Carvalho)

>> Critiqued/Assisted students in their realization of design in built form through detailed construction techniques

Aug 2012 - Dec 2012

Managed Air Systems LLC, Bloomfield, Connecticut, US, Technical Drafting & Schematic Design

>> Designed and drafted industrial air technologies and automotive finishing systems
>> Developed the systems respective buildings

** Recommendation Available Upon Request

Dec 2011 - Aug 2012

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, School of Architecture, Troy, New York, US, Fabrication & Wood Shop Monitor (Bill Bergman)

>> Oversaw/Assisted students undergoing physical model building and the use of various fabrication machines

Feb 2012 - May 2012

Rèdais® Architects, Engineers & Construction, Casal Bertone, Rome, IT, Architectural Intern

>> Urban master plan design, functioning sustainable systems, energy simulation, physical model building
>> Engineering and construction processes
>> Italian - English translation

** Recommendation Available Upon Request

May 2011 - Aug 2011

Managed Air Systems LLC, Bloomfield, Connecticut, US, Automotive Finishing Air Technologies Installation

>> Air technology equipment installation engineered for various professions
>> Worked with on-site architects and engineers

** Recommendation Available Upon Request

May 2010 - Aug 2010

TIA Architects, Amherst, Massachusetts, US, Architectural Intern

>> Commercial building structural drawings
>> Andromeda project residential unit design
>> Developed the principles of ecological and sustainable architecture for efficient communities

** Recommendation Available Upon Request

May 2009 - Aug 2009

Raposa Brothers Masonry, Chicopee, Massachusetts, US, Mason Tender

>> Large scale project material calculation, cutting and trimming, formwork placement
>> Small scale project supervisor

May 2009 - Aug 2009


Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York, US, BArch, 5-Year Architecture Program

>> Minor in Sustainability Studies, Various Courses in Material Science

>> Graduate on May 25, 2013

>> GPA: 3.60 | 5-Year Deans list student, Multiple teachers' assistant positions, Italian studies abroad program, CASE (SOM) study abroad program, AIAS participant, Several awards and publications

Aug 2008 - current

Center for Architecture, Science & Ecology at SOM, Manhattan, New York, US, CASE - RPI Studies Program

>> Architectural development & environmental performance in urban building systems
>> Researcher linking physiological characteristics to building performance systems through multiple computational design techniques

Jan 2011 - May 2011

Politecnico di Torino, Torino, IT, Italian Studies Program

>> Architecture computation & research
>> Investigating and programming functional and sustainable building skin systems through parametric design techniques

Oct 2010 - Dec 2010

University of Arkansas Rome Center, Rome, Italy, Italian Studies Program

>> EUR's Square Colosseum redesign
>> Fascist architectural design and research
>> Italian language workshops

Aug 2010 - Oct 2010

Dale Carnegie Leadership & Presentation Training, Bloomfield, Connecticut, US, High Impact Presentation Course

>> High impact presentation course geared to persuade, project, prepare, and communicate ideas with clarity

May 2009 - Aug 2009


Fondation Cartier | A Case Study | Lulu Publication, Other

>> Co-author of the analysis, detailed development, and history of Jean Nouvel's Fondation Cartier project in Paris, France


First Semester Thesis Recognition, Other

>> Awards review finalist
>> "Prosthetic Extensions: Forging 21st Century Energy Schematics Upon Historical Contaminants"


Functional Green Wall System | City of Rome Noticiero | Publication, Other

>> School of Rodari functional green wall system
>> A pilot project for future school in Italy that harnesses solar energy and disperses it throughout the school


Architecture Fiction | "Smart Skin for Sustainable Dwellings" | Wired Magazine, Other

>> Parametric building skin system that uses a shape memory polymer material to divide and distribute direct and indirect light to their needed areas within the building


Shaker Museum Project Recognition, Other

>> Awards review finalist
>> Analysis of the shaker adult cradle and its use of concept through the design of a spanning system for a new museum and exhibition hall


Material Manifestations | RPI Publication, Other

>> Adult/Child cradle artifact analysis and conceptualization, which lead to the design of a large scale generative spanning system meant for a museum and exhibition space


Materials Handbook | Lulu Publication, Other

>> The establishment and understanding of coppers material properties, its structural integrity, and its resulting use


Areas of Specialization 
