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Sarah Hamilton
It wasn't required to remove the nipples, per se, but if I left them in, I'd need to send a note home to parents to make sure it's ok. And it's not just fanatical Christians that get upset. I have a Muslim student who until last year, when his buddies set him straight, thought babies were made by praying. I said the word condom one day, and he asked what it was! I explained calmly, but thought "wow, you're a Sophmore in HS, and you don't know what a condom is? Then again, this kid isn't supposed to even talk to girls.
Oct 9, 13 8:25 am  · 

Will, I have frequently felt George F. Will is one of the smarter conservative commentators out there.  But now he's on Fox, and he's stopped being reflective and wholistic and is showing himself to be as confident in his own narrow-mindedness as one would expect from Fox.  It's actually shocking, though my guess is he's in such a panic about the state of the world that he feels he needs to collect as enormous a paycheck as possible RIGHT NOW before it all goes to hell.

Oct 9, 13 8:28 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Yes, let's give George the benefit of the doubt.  He must be doing it for the money.

Oct 9, 13 9:12 am  · 

If you approved contractor invoices for work that didn't meet spec ...

Correct me if I'm wrong (or just naive) but doesn't the standard AIA A201 have language that doesn't release liability from the contractor for non-conforming work, even if they have been paid for it?

Still wouldn't mean you'd recover time and money from defending yourself though. Sucks...

Oct 9, 13 9:13 am  · 
George is a fucking hack. Flimsy little clown of a man. He's no Buckley, or Hitchens. He's just a whiny little Red Sox tool.
Oct 9, 13 10:01 am  · 

re: George Will this says it all

Oct 9, 13 10:18 am  · 
Hm he makes a good point and finishes with a great one. The headline is not quite what he says nor what he means.

Not intending to defend him though. I liked him on this week with George stephanopulos (I'm sure I've spelled that wrong). Haven't seen him on fox. Sorta disappointing he went there. It is useful to have someone articulate to counter the liberal talking points. Talk shows where everyone says the same thing are amazingly boring. Even worse when it's a whole channel.

That's amazing Sarah. Understand your choice though. That is quite complicated. Such a pity that religion is so powerfully affecting and reinforcing ignorance at a school.

So serious here. Any good architecture going on? If anyone's interested I posted some shots of our trip with Sejima on our school blog yesterday. Some of the most beautiful work I've ever seen. It's so nice when the architecture is better than expectations.
Oct 9, 13 6:06 pm  · 

You're right Will that the headline is misleading.  

A local paper did an article on how many people have left the museum where I work under the new director.  And someone commented on the article that the department I'm in (facilities) is seeing the brunt of the layoffs/desertions, because we are overworked on a skeleton crew and soon someone, due to tiredness and lack of support, is going to get hurt.  I can't figure out who wrote it but I suspect the significant other of one of the employees - not mine, of course.

Oct 9, 13 6:39 pm  · 

stay safe donna (flashback to hill street blues)

how do i post links from a phone? its hard to jump in and out of pages in archinect without losing place...  sejima studio here

Oct 9, 13 8:11 pm  · 

Will completely agree "It is useful to have someone articulate to counter the liberal talking points"...

plus, those photos from your trip to Inujima and the follies/pavilions seem lovely but re: architecture/architectural tourism i do wonder as you wrote "Can it be used to make things even better?"...

I saw Big Star: Nothing Can Hurt Me tonight at a new/local event space that has started playing movies. Can't recommend enough. i have only been a fan of Big Star/Chilton for a couple of years. pretty sure i mainly learned about them though vado retro et al.

the film was full of amazing songs/moments although the whole middle arch re: Chris Bell was unexpected. This song is just .... especially in context of where it is played in film.

Oct 9, 13 10:58 pm  · 
David Cuthbert

b3ta love the painting - reminds me of o'keeffe albeit the technique is very different

SH not sure why Nam wouldn't want me in FL :( 

Oct 9, 13 11:07 pm  · 

you are too big for Florida, David.  Way too much joy.


@Nam, yeah that is the question. Sejima is the one asking it, which is cooler.  She and the folks at Bennesse understand very well what is going on and are thinking about what to do next.  It puts to shame the idea that starchitects don't have a clue and are selfish.stupid. whatever. The ones I know and/or have met are nothing like that at all.  Mind you I haven't met Zaha yet...;-)

Oct 10, 13 12:05 am  · 
So, after 15 years of working for other people, now I'm starting my own firm in a new city. Have spent the last 2 months trying to make contacts and drum up some work, with only a tiny bit of success. I might have a big home to do for another arch who is too busy to do it and a little addition for a contractor. Not really an auspicious start but it might mean some cash flow. Most days I wonder what the heck I'm doing. I'm trying to make something nice, even when the project is lame, because its better and more fun that way.
Oct 10, 13 8:22 am  · 

cool gruen

welcome to the world of worry and joy that is architecture without nets. good luck !

Oct 10, 13 8:36 am  · 

morning all,

David just to be clear as I responded to Sarah earlier "would love it if David lived close enough that we could finally meet. morning TC!".

gruen congrats!

Oct 10, 13 8:39 am  · 

Beta- beautiful painting!

Donna- How did you like 'Where'd You Go, Bernadette?' It's on my list and am feeling I need to bump it up.

Everyone else- Hi!

My first project (in the realm of construction/developer) is going in for final inspection tomorrow (hopefully). After this, CofO will be in hand. Sweet Jesus, I'm excited.

Oct 10, 13 11:49 am  · 

gruen - which city?

Oct 10, 13 12:22 pm  · 

Congrats, gruen! remember the marketing of yourself and networking to get more jobs is a fulltime job in itself.  Then at night you get to do the actual billable work.  It's exhausting and eternal but I miss it so much.

congrats on your project, n_!

I loved Where'd You Go, Bernadette SO MUCH.  She reminds me exactly of myself in so many ways (I'm not a MacArthur genius, or any kind of genius, and I'm far more stable, but my husband would say her rants are exactly like mine).  Plus the architect character (Bernadette) feels real. And the book *totally* skewers Seattle in a great way, and also skewers PTAs lovingly.  And Microsoft.   And it's laugh out loud funny.

Oct 10, 13 12:54 pm  · 

One of my Facebook friends just posted that Kanye West is so talented, such an original thinker, and so creative.

My library has 5 holds on Where'd You Go, Bernadette, so I guess that will have to wait.

Oct 10, 13 2:11 pm  · 
Providence. And yeah, keeping up the strength to constantly market is really hard. I'm feeling my way blindly, that's for sure.
Oct 10, 13 3:59 pm  · 


I was in Providence yesterday visiting my daughter at RISD, took her to the Knicks/Celtics game. Just got back this pm.

Great town, lots of cool stuff going on, don't know the market for architecture but wishing you the best -- somewhere here there's a thread on generating work, some really good comments posted.

Oct 10, 13 7:05 pm  · 
Miles let me know when you're back this way again. Still learning the 'scene' here so far. Haven't really tried to crack the RISD door yet but it's only a short hop from my secret base.
Oct 10, 13 8:56 pm  · 

corner of North Main and Waterman

Oct 11, 13 9:29 am  · 
vado retro

Congrats Gruen on taking the leap. Here is a site designed for the solo practitioner. It has several podcasts with archi's who have started their own offices and also there are interviews and tips on marketing and business development...

Oct 11, 13 10:13 am  · 

I guess we're not really regularly watching Project Runway around here anymore but I would totally wear the hell out of Helen's red dress from last night.  The only pictures of it online so far don't do it justice.

But overall I like Alexandria's looks better.


Carry on.

Oct 11, 13 10:29 am  · 
vado retro

i have been watching it and you would look awesome in that look! overall, the show has gotten a little stale for me and i decided a few seasons ago that i don't like heidi klum at all and some of the guest judges are all former reality show stars who have somehow wormed their way into the fashion world. 

Oct 11, 13 11:06 am  · 

I despise Heidi Klum, but one of the pleasures of the show for me is that I can yell at her whenever she opens her mouth.

Also I mostly tune it out and do other stuff until the runway show. I don't care about the interpersonal melodrama.  I do adore Tim, though. He's got a huge heart.

Oct 11, 13 11:09 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton
I don't watch the show, but Hiedi has always seemed so nice on talk shows. Why don't we like her?
Oct 11, 13 11:45 am  · 
vado retro

Justin has been a breath of fresh air. I really like Braden as well. It seems they have been ramping up the melodrama by having some genuiley fucking cray crays on the show. Also, after so many seasons it seems as though a real stereotype of the crosssection of designers has formed. Heidi does have legs. i like legs.

Oct 11, 13 12:26 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I think I must be grumpy this afternoon.  Every email I get is rubbing me the wrong way.

"Sarah, please take your iPad, Macbook Pro, and Mac Pro to the library to have them tagged by the librarian, and checked out to you.  You will NOT be allowed to keep them over the summer."

Really?  You want me to carry a GIANT desktop machine to the library to be checked out?  And how the hell am I supposed to plan my class curriculim over the summer?  You think I have these programs on my home machine?  Do you really want a teacher, or just a babysitter to press play on some pre-bottled curriculum that tells graphic designers to use microsoft publisher?

"Sarah,  I just need to verify that the Newtek software you submitted on a technology request is truly a renewal/update.  Can you let me know?"

No.  I just felt like requesting 4,500 dollars worth of software because my lightwave 9 is completely up to date.

Eff you guys.  I'm outie.

Oct 11, 13 4:09 pm  · 
Sarah, dond be afraid to email back and point out how ridiculous it is to bring your desktop in to be scanned + how the heck can you do your job without the computer?
Oct 11, 13 4:21 pm  · 

Sarah, put in a requisition to maintenance to have them ferry all the machines around, and one to tech to have them back up everything first, and be sure to cc the library. Demand receipts from everyone. Then req the stuff you need for summer and create a paper trail a mile long cc'ing everyone in the hierarchy even remotely related to the matter. Bury them in their own paperwork. They'll love you for justifying their existence. 

Oct 11, 13 5:20 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

At least this made me laugh.

Oct 11, 13 5:22 pm  · 


My ffriend's  own and operate  "The Rocket" food truck.  You looking for good food, hit them up.  Joey and Pat..

Oct 11, 13 6:59 pm  · 
Miles, that is an excellent proposal. Sarah, do it!
Oct 11, 13 6:59 pm  · 
Miles, that is an excellent proposal. Sarah, do it!
Oct 11, 13 7:00 pm  · 
Snooker I think I've had their food twice already, they showed up at the end of the last CT Rockers (vintage motorcycle) ride I did. Yummy!
Oct 11, 13 7:09 pm  · 
Snooker I think I've had their food twice already, they showed up at the end of the last CT Rockers (vintage motorcycle) ride I did. Yummy!
Oct 11, 13 7:09 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton
What's with all the double posts? Glad my photo post wasn't doubled.
Oct 11, 13 7:12 pm  · 

double double....

Oct 11, 13 7:17 pm  · 
Stupid eye-phone
Oct 11, 13 8:50 pm  · 

gruen, that's politically incorrect. 

Oct 11, 13 9:12 pm  · 

Down in South Carolina visiting with my parents.  Dad and I had a margarita-fueled near-yelling political discussion then we settled in to fried chicken and a walk on the beach.  I admit I understand the far-right's view of this debacle a little better now after hearing his view; I don't in any way agree with it, but I see where the view is coming from.

Ultimately, we both agreed that the country is pretty much beyond repair at this point, as everyone involved in politics is a psychopath.  

A new drain pipe for stormwater is being built on the beach.  This process involves a crane building a road for itself 1,200 feet out into the ocean.  I'm fascinated by things that build their own roads, and by the enormous amount of construction that is purely temporary (this entire road will be demo'd as the pipe gets laid).  The brutal, pragmatic design aesthetic of this temporary road is far more beautiful to me than *most* buildings that get built; I also admit I tend to get less excited about a lot of Architecture than about the way the architecture gets built; I love construction so much.

Think I'll have another margarita now.

Oct 13, 13 1:39 pm  · 

Have  one for me, Just finished hanging a light fixture and now I off to  give Harry a Bath....then it is off to Pizza Land...that is thin crust pizza land.

Oct 13, 13 1:46 pm  · 

Happy genocide day!

Oct 14, 13 8:29 am  · 

A highly esteemed outsider artist, and friend, posted this on FB, and damn, if it doesn't resonate:

"We are all trying to attain velocity sufficient to escape the gravity of our regrets."

Oct 14, 13 8:31 am  · 

There is no velocity great enough. 

Oct 14, 13 8:36 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

I like to say I outgrow my problems in lieu of solving them. Is that the same?

Oct 14, 13 10:05 am  · 

i don't think i have any regrets.  maybe a couple, but mostly i think of the mistakes i've made as being the defining steps on the ladder that has led me to where i am now, and all things considered, i'm a fairly decent person and i'm doing alright.  my velocity is just enough to make a few more mistakes, just enough to give me the opportunity to learn a few more hard lessons.

also, i do not consider columbus day to be genocide day. 

Oct 14, 13 10:07 am  · 

Read Zinn, "A People's History of the United States". On a whim I checked wiki and found corroborating data from other sources.

De las Casas records in stark numbers the genocide that took place under Columbus and the Spaniards, writing that when he first came to Hispaniola in 1508, "there were 60,000 people living on this island, including the Indians; so that from 1494 to 1508, over three million people had perished from war, slavery, and the mines. Who in future generations will believe this? I myself writing it as a knowledgeable eyewitness can hardly believe it...."

This was a pattern to be repeated throughout the new world.

Oct 14, 13 10:26 am  · 

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