
Thread Central


congrats archinect, thread central, and sarah.  don't eat too many 'democratic cake' cookies.  those don't look too healthy.

Oct 2, 13 3:30 pm  · 

So yeah, count me confused.  Is Sarah's first cake or are beta's angels the 50,000th comment?

Oct 2, 13 3:55 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Mine was 50,000th post, but it was still on the other page, so I tried to jump in.  Its all Beta's fault.

Oct 2, 13 3:57 pm  · 

i think you're post was 7 Donna, so i'm 6, observant 5, sarah 4, abra 3 (welcome back abra, been a few months.  you totally should have been given the 50k :/), sarah 2, b3ta 1, sarah 0.

Oct 2, 13 3:58 pm  · 

But I do like the sheep fucker cake at the top of the page.  Nice find, Sarah!

Oct 2, 13 4:05 pm  · 

Back from my Architectural Task of the Day.  Wooden Pallets taken care of. Everyone is happy.  The things we have to do.

Oct 2, 13 4:21 pm  · 

LOL.... that is a nasty cake.

Oct 2, 13 4:22 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton
I just searched for sheep, green cake, since Obsevant requested green icing. It's amazing what's on the net.
Oct 2, 13 4:24 pm  · 

Only problem is the should have been a dozen  empty  Pabst Blue Ribbon  Bee cans scattered around the top of the cake.  Or a Meth Lab.....seems like they are  the new Cash Crop of  Rural America..

Oct 2, 13 4:26 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Nice, snook.  

Oct 2, 13 5:10 pm  · 
It's better than selling potatoes to McDonald's.

I don't think it's really us vs them. Asshat city slickers vs rural animal abominators. Those morons just got their buttons pushed cuz the world is scary and it's easy to manipulate people when they are terrified . I would blame the leaders not the sheep ( or the sheep fuckers ).
Oct 2, 13 7:09 pm  · 

Sarah - pretty good visual metaphor for the profession. Can't think of a more apropos post for 50k.

The sheep can be the architect, the client or the contractor.

Oct 2, 13 7:43 pm  · 

Will, I'll go you one better. Back in the day, back before the profit centers of cable news became the nom de rigeur, the crazies in both parties were never given a platform from which to speak, and if they did poke their meat helmets up so much as a millimeter, they'd get their asses handed to them by the party. Now, 24hr news not only permits Team Bachman and et. al. to speak, they actively court and cultivate them. Contrary to what the looney right says - that "Lamestream Media" moniker, only had to do with the right constructing a narrative, that would direct the fringe, to their revenue streams - and had little to do with "skewed" or liberal reporting. Now, because the money being made is so great, MSNBC forms, and becomes the left version of Fox News, the right however, would have you believe that MSNBC preceded Fox News, but that's not the case. I will say, that the only two shows I watch on MSNBC are Rachel Maddow and Chris Matthews, and it's due to Rachel's pedigree, and Matthew's experience in congress with Tip O'Neil.

If we could get rid of cable news, we get rid of crazies, because after all, we know that the looney fringe doesn't read newspapers, and crazy in print, isn't that crazy.

Oct 2, 13 8:22 pm  · 

I read the NYTimes yesterday, the print edition.  It was good.  My first exposure to the newspaper as a child (we got two evening dailies in my household) was reading the comics, but I pretty quickly moved on to the Letters to the Editor.  I've always loved reading individual people's thoughts and opinions.  Is

it any wonder I'm such an active member of the forums here?

Oct 2, 13 9:34 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton
Donna, that's not how the song goes!
Oct 2, 13 10:16 pm  · 

I do wonder if all this lack of empathy has something to do with basic gap in public education - I recall civics and history classes basically being a joke in secondary education (and basically no ethics classes - I found the ethics/religion courses in Germany a vital part of an education in civics).

Oct 3, 13 9:58 am  · 

Every time I watch Daily Show, read The Atlantic, read the Huff Post, open the NYTimes, I see an example of a Congressperson saying some donkeyballs-dumb statement and *invariably* it's a congressperson from Indiana.  WTF.

Who has a job outside Indiana for me?! I'm ready to GTFO.

Of course, in two weeks when the economy tanks due to refusal to raise the debt ceiling, there will be NO jobs in our field anymore.  Possibly ever.

Oct 3, 13 11:21 am  · 

b3ta: half-a-dozen corporations control 90% of US media. They might have different flavors, but they are all feeding you the same shit. There are serious conflicts of interest and violations of integrity exemplified by GE, which makes everything from nuclear reactors to armaments and owns AND controls a significant portion of the news media.

Donna: The NYT routinely falsifies or omits pertinent historical fact in background or as basis for their reporting, (NPR does the same thing). It took the NYT five years to come out against the Iraq war. Beyond that they were complicit in selling the war to the public - Iraq was repeatedly mentioned side-by-side with Afghanistan immediately after 9/11.

The business of media is to make money. Most media outlets don't even employ reporters, they buy feeds from Reuters, UPI and AP and then spin according to doctrine. The "best" news attracts the largest audience and sells the most advertising. Outrage / fear / controversy / etc. translate directly to profit.

Photos are also manipulated. Freelance photojournalists are paid by the published image, so it is in their interest to find the most dramatic / controversial image or even stage scenes. And let's not forget Bush's Photoshopping military supporters (and who knows what else)

or FOX showing manipulated video, or Dems Bashing Bush, etc. None of it is real, and if any of it was, how would you possibly know?

Films that will alter your view of "democracy" in America:


Orwell Rolls in His Grave

Oct 3, 13 11:22 am  · 

SEE!? SEE?! Not five minutes after I post that complaint about Indiana congresspeople being the dumbest of all the dumbfucks on the planet this shows up on Jezebel! The guy tells a newperson interviewing him that she's beautiful, but not honest.   I GIVE UP!!! GAHHHHHHH!!!!!!

Oct 3, 13 12:00 pm  · 

This just in: serious problems at Fukushima. Saturated ground may cause structural collapse of spent fuel pool at reactor four.

Oct 3, 13 3:03 pm  · 


I'm confused about those images you posted.... Is the left one photoshopped? Cause it looks as though Bush has been photoshopped out of the image not the other way around (you'll see a bunch of the army dudes have identical twins/triplets sitting two seats away from them.)

Oct 3, 13 3:21 pm  · 

Fukushima - a legacy of greed.  Still surprised that the first nuclear reactor built in Japan didn't have accidents - they thought they'd prove how controlled it can be by building it on top of a fault line...  Boy did all that nuclear electricity fuel growth and cash (few people complained then).  It sure doesn't help that the schools (& the culture in general) discourages thinking "outside the box".  Things can't get much better when they take forever to come up with plan B, C, D, etc...

Oct 3, 13 4:16 pm  · 

Lars think I'm going to have to get out the magnifying glass to check out those Mile's Post.

Oct 3, 13 5:24 pm  · 

i agree with lars.  the guy on the left side of the podium is a bit off.  there is an extra hat above the blonde kid in the picture with bush, too

Oct 3, 13 5:33 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

not to mention that the black guy and that white guy next to him are repeated thrice where Bush was.  I think he was removed, not added.

Oct 3, 13 6:44 pm  · 

hah donna. too funny. its probably a conspiracy.  Miles could maybe find something ?

I saw that.  video via facebook. there is more than enough ridiculous video on the net.  the one with the GOP politician yelling at a park ranger for closing the park is funny (especially since they have been letting veterans in, illegally, cuz they thinks the whole deal sucks hind teat.)

Oct 3, 13 6:44 pm  · 

Just saw Kulapat Yantrasast of wHY Architecture speak.  What a charming guy he is! Totally enjoyed him.  Sadly he kinda rushed through the actual images of his work, speaking more about how he thinks about architecture and what inspires him than the work itself.  But it was lovely to hear. He made a comparison between Japanese food and Thai food and how they parallel architecture: Japanese food is all about simplicity, essence, distillation, single flavors while Thai food is about combination and harmony.  Very nice.

Oct 3, 13 10:47 pm  · 

Lars, it's from 2004 and much of the stuff about it is gone. I did find a link referencing it that states

During the 2004 presidential election, the campaign of George W. Bush ran an ad titled "Whatever It Takes." It was shown swiftly by the John Kerry campaign that the crowds in the images had been synthesized. No one was too happy about the discovery. "Now we know why this ad is named 'Whatever it Takes,'" a Kerry rep wrote. "This administration has always had a problem telling the truth from Iraq to jobs to health care. The Bush campaign's advertising has been consistently dishonest in what they say. But today, it's been exposed for being dishonest about what we see."

There's another article here.

Oct 3, 13 11:00 pm  · 

Miles Jaffe, our own left-wing evilplatypus.

Oct 4, 13 4:19 am  · 

Read an interesting bit this am that suggested intentionally crashing the US (and global) economy would be a way to achieve the dreams of the far right - elimination of public services, lowering of wages, higher interest rates, etc. as well as the institution of the kind of austerity that is now ripping much of Europe to shreds (driven by global banks and financial interests).

In other words, just another pump and dump.

Oct 4, 13 10:23 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton
Makes sense. Sucks, but makes sense. My dad has become one of those conspiracy theorists. He believes that FEMA and dept of Homeland Security are waiting to wage war on us all. That we should get out of the cities when it hits the fan, and stay away from crowds. He thinks that FEMA is opening all these camps within 40 miles of the gulf coast in order to place refugees there, and then hit them with a man-made tidal wave. He says that was what we were going to do to japan in WWII, but changed our minds last minute, and opted for the bomb.

He wants me to keep my old car because the modern ones won't work once hit with an EMP, and to learn to shoot a gun.

He also says there's some elite group with a handful of members, including Bush, and they all own land in S. America. That when this group begins WWIII, to head there because it will be hit the least.

Maybe that's where your article is going, Miles. Better get yer gun!
Oct 4, 13 12:50 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton
Makes sense. Sucks, but makes sense. My dad has become one of those conspiracy theorists. He believes that FEMA and dept of Homeland Security are waiting to wage war on us all. That we should get out of the cities when it hits the fan, and stay away from crowds. He thinks that FEMA is opening all these camps within 40 miles of the gulf coast in order to place refugees there, and then hit them with a man-made tidal wave. He says that was what we were going to do to japan in WWII, but changed our minds last minute, and opted for the bomb.

He wants me to keep my old car because the modern ones won't work once hit with an EMP, and to learn to shoot a gun.

He also says there's some elite group with a handful of members, including Bush, and they all own land in S. America. That when this group begins WWIII, to head there because it will be hit the least.

Maybe that's where your article is going, Miles. Better get yer gun!
Oct 4, 13 12:50 pm  · 

I just had a friend of a friend email me pictures of a piece of furniture and ask for advice on reupholstery.  I'm conflicted. For many reasons.

Oct 4, 13 2:40 pm  · 

i'm pretty sure the pope is going to move the vatican to south america once the war hits.  i think that was in the fatima prophecies.  that's probably the same crowd bush is in.  they can have it.  if there is ever a difference between "good guys" and "bad guys," i expect the pope (after st. malachy's prophecy of the popes, this one should be a 'bad guy') and the bush family would be part of the "bad guys."

wasn't someone on here following the imminent alien invasion?  i bet that's what's going to happen.

would your distributor work after an emp hit?  you know what i bet would work?  a horse.  instead of keeping and old car, i would suggest getting a horse and probably a good dog too.

and donna, i would just tell you friend of a friend that they picked the right fabric...

Oct 4, 13 3:30 pm  · 

Donna, we know you're conflicted. What's that got to do with upholstery?

Oct 4, 13 3:42 pm  · 

"Conspiracy theory" has been turned into a derogatory term with the intent of marginalizing people who don't buy into the corporate/political media bullshit. Yes, there are some crazies in tinfoil hats but they are far outnumbered by those perpetrating a vast fraud on society for their own benefit.

My understanding is that the FEMA emergency camps are essentially detention centers for Homeland Security. The idea is a system of containment for thousands of people from either a disaster or an uprising. 

As to old cars - news cars have electronic back doors built into them for remote control. Michael Hastings, the investigative journalist who brought down US Gen. McChrystal, was killed in a highly suspect and mysterious high-speed wreck and explosion shortly after contacting Wikileaks. Some sources indicated he had been investigating CIA Director John Brennan.

Also, Bush and family apparently have large holdings in Paraguay.

As to EMPs, the effect would be contingent on the blast output, the complexity of electronics in the vehicle, whether it was running, or garaged, etc. In general, an older vehicle with fewer solid state components would be more robust and easier to repair. But in that kind of scenario fuel would be immediately problematic, so I'm with curt.

Oct 4, 13 5:19 pm  · 


Paul McCartney has large land holdings in Pima County, Arizona.  I don't think he bought it for the water rights.   Think it adjoins Linda Ronstad's ranch....and you know Michael Douglas did his sex addition treatments in Tucson....  and u2 started  and ended their Josha Tree Tour in Phoenix...  It is a complex weird world.....ya remember the  rondo man who designed the  fillet knife he was also hold up in Tucson with his millions.

Oct 4, 13 6:01 pm  · 

McCartney has a house in Amagansett, about 9 miles from me. I saw him in the bookstore last year with Nancy. Michael Douglas was in East Hampton at the film festival and Linda Ronstadt played Guild Hall in East Hampton. My father had a date with Carly Simon in the early 1970's.

Yes, it's a weird world.

Oct 4, 13 6:44 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton
Does your dad own an apricot scarf?
Oct 4, 13 6:57 pm  · 

No, but he occasionally wore a bandana as an ascot.

Oct 4, 13 7:02 pm  · 

I always wear an ascot.....and I feel like no one even is an elder hipster kinda thang.

Oct 4, 13 7:25 pm  · 

miles....who isn't rich that doesn't have digs in  your Hood?  Funny cause were all mixed up in the same weird world of big money, nasty clients,  and taxes.....we little guys all pay taxes.

Oct 4, 13 7:28 pm  · 

I always wear an ascot

I'd like to see that. You show me yours and I'll show you mine.

Oct 4, 13 7:28 pm  · 

Been up since 4 with the pup (now 13-1/2) who had a bigtime seizure last night.

Oct 5, 13 10:38 am  · 

Does your dad own an apricot scarf?

I hope NO ONE other than Stephen Holl does.  Again, if he were to wander into first or business class on a business trip, I wonder how many people on the plane would be dismayed and remember their trip as "that plane ride with a guy with an apricot scarf in the cabin."

You show me yours and I'll show you mine.

I was offering curt that very trade-off yesterday as to our respective Camaro Berlinettas.  Maybe he could indicate the color and if he had the standard Chevrolet color-matched rally wheels ... very late 70s and early 80s car vernacular.

Been up since 4 with the pup (now 13-1/2) who had a bigtime seizure last night.

Give Lucy a hug for the dog aficionados on archinect.

Oct 5, 13 11:17 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton
I'm beginning to wonder if people got my obscure refference when I mentioned the scarf. It sucks when you're the only one laughing at your own joke.
Oct 5, 13 12:54 pm  · 
Sarah, I did not get the scarf joke, sorry.

Miles I hope the pup gets better. Healthy happy pets are a topic about which I'm not at all conflicted.

Our '65 Meteor should be just fine in case of an EMP. Though as stated fuel access could be a problem.
Oct 5, 13 1:00 pm  · 

Either I just had a five minute blackout, or there was a thread on the first page pointing to an unpaid intern ad.

Hm.  My internet is spotty lately.

Oct 5, 13 3:51 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

That should clear things up, Donna.
Oct 5, 13 4:55 pm  · 
snooker-doodle-dandy want one of me  Just in my Ascot?   Flipping thru my pictures wondering hum...I might get in trouble for that one.  Damn is it tough to be an intellectual Porn Star. I actually have a bull dog neck so  ties are wrapped around my neck for funerals, weddings, and very well paying clients.  I feel like I'm being strangled in a tie, actually I'm being strangled.  I have had clients laugh at me when they see me in a tie, cause it is not so me.  Which is good because you know you have a good relationship with them.

Hope the pup is feeling better.  I have been there with our big guy and it was one of the hardest days of my really know things are  out of your control.

I was looking at Moriyuki Ochial Architects,  Arkhe Beauty Salon.  Thinking this is a fun solution, probably not that expensive, but certainly a difficult install and not one to be drawn on paper.

Are the Feds still on furlough?  I have had lots of thoughts about this, but today was install a sliding barn door on a Barn, so missed all the news.  Yo ho....was a great  Fall Day spent with two excellent craftsman, who are down to earth and one pumped up client who didn't think the color matched  the existing barn color.  Then she bitched about us not using the right paint  company....which turned out  we used  the person who she recommended.  Oh will panties in a bunch,  how is one to match the side of a barn that been in the sun for six years on the sunny side of the barn, where everything  is faded.   I told her it is time to paint the barn, so she can match the barn door.  She said she wanted it lighter.   I said in time it will get lighter due to the fact that the sun is pounding against it most of the time.   I took my sample from a side of the barn that had aged less.

Oh well....She didn't notice we used clear  cedar  t&g  1X4 boards and Clear cedar 1X6 and in places 1.5x 6 Clear Cedar.  Plugs all of the screws.  Sanded and painted ....all she saw was the color being different from the existing building.

Oct 5, 13 7:59 pm  · 

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