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Apparently the rich are under-represented.

Aug 7, 13 3:55 pm  · 

Good one, Miles.  First time I've seen that.  I wish I would have seen it sooner.

Aug 7, 13 4:29 pm  · 
Curtkram you know that what you are actually saying is that there is a good chance that worse things will happen.

Donna I've got the exact same problem! Too many projects and not enough time. But in my case at least very little of it is actually important. Which drives me nuts. I am hoping it makes sense in hindsight.
Aug 7, 13 6:24 pm  · 
Curtkram you know that what you are actually saying is that there is a good chance that worse things will happen.

Donna I've got the exact same problem! Too many projects and not enough time. But in my case at least very little of it is actually important. Which drives me nuts. I am hoping it makes sense in hindsight.
Aug 7, 13 6:24 pm  · 

Hang in there man, and this too shall pass.

Remember, what doesn't kill you just beats the living crap out of you.

Aug 7, 13 6:50 pm  · 

jia...slow down smell the roses...there is always a good side to everything bad. Concentrate on the good side.  Sometimes when were in the place you are right now the best  things come from those moments as we march forward in life.  You just have to keep marching until you see the light, or go lay in the sand on a hot beach and let the stress melt away until you can focus on the good...all the good. Otherwise kick you ass out of bed like a Marine and go count bootie.

Aug 7, 13 8:30 pm  · 
vado retro

found a kick ass broyhill brasilia dining room table w/ six chairs for 350 bucks. score!

Aug 8, 13 8:14 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

jla-x, you're contagious.  I wasn't supposed to start work until the 12th, and yesterday I get a call from my principal saying I was supposed to start on the 1st!  So I'm going in today, and I have to fix this so they don't dock my pay.  Grrrrr.

Aug 8, 13 8:27 am  · 

Jane Jacobs: Believing their block maps instead of their eyes, developers think of downtown streets as dividers of areas, not as the unifiers they are.

Was it on TC I recently posted the comment about sidewalks being more like a park than a street?

Aug 8, 13 8:41 am  · 
boy in a well

Donnna, everything you said everywhere was beautiful.

Aug 8, 13 9:26 am  · 

jla-x:  hope it smooths out, whatever it is.

Why is it that, when you bathe your dog, they look great, smell good, and you keep them inside for a good while ... and THEN, they go outside and roll on the lawn, or even in the dirt?  Doesn't that piss you off?

Aug 8, 13 12:48 pm  · 

that does not piss me off.  my dog is a dog, and i expect her to act like a dog, and i don't get upset when she acts like a dog.

i bet your dog is pissed off you bathed it.  that's probably why it felt the need roll around in dirt.  in fact, i'm pretty sure it smelled out an area with bird crap to roll in before it started rolling.  have you thought of this from your dog's perspective?

Aug 8, 13 1:10 pm  · 

Oh man, I'm not really pissed, but it's more "sheez, after all that work."  I think the reasoning for doing it is that they are not accustomed to have the stronger scents of dog shampoos and whatnot on them, given that their sense of smell is so acute, and they want to return to their normal body scent.  However, a smelly dog that's overdue for a bath can be annoying.  Doesn't the dog think of that?  LOL.  Yes, I know dogs will be dogs.

Aug 8, 13 1:59 pm  · 

Today I learned observant's nickname for himself is "dog."

Aug 8, 13 2:08 pm  · 


I'm cool with that, since dogs tend to be more likable than most people. 

Aug 8, 13 2:12 pm  · 

I just  had a contractor over excavate  a foundation by almost four feet because of organics in the soil.....bummer.  Had to haul in 1/2 gravel to bring everything back up to grade.  So you know what that ching ca ching ca ching.

Aug 8, 13 3:29 pm  · 


Tell your client to head to Foxwoods, or whatever it's now called, and have them earn the ka ching - ka ching - ka ching over there.  Just kidding.

Aug 8, 13 3:38 pm  · 

jla-x: Hang tight, buddy. Time has this magical way of healing wounds and making things make more sense. I know it's hard to see that sometimes when you are in the middle of it, but it will get better. Promise.

Aug 8, 13 5:36 pm  · 

Incompetent?  Drunk? Distracted? Taking in too much sun in coastal Spain?

The design of a 47 story tower in Benidorm, Spain neglected to include an elevator.  Actually, there should be a bank of elevators.  I like the article, in that it says "prospective tenants can get rid of their Stairmasters."  The way it tops off could be nice, depending on how it's finished.

The only thing like this I've ever heard of is that a friend who had a business in a small strip mall with some enclosed sections told me they neglected to include the roll-up door for truck deliveries and for large items which required some redesign.  The tenants thought it was kind of pathetic.  However, it was "solved."

Aug 9, 13 11:53 am  · 
I submitted for an AIA Indiana design award today. I'm going to the regional convention in September (to accept, of course, lol) in one of my favorite cities, Louisville. And I'll get to see Steven, who I'm sure will still be my friend whether I win or not!
Aug 9, 13 5:54 pm  · 
BTW, boy in a well, I got about halfway through that Black Angrls concert while drafting yesterday, enjoyed it. Would have been better stoned, of course.
Aug 9, 13 5:57 pm  · 

I'm getting Foxwoods on one of the ads here!  I mentioned Foxwoods, the casino complex in CT, in the last few days on TC.  I must have mentioned lesbians on here, too.  I once got an ad for cruises for lesbians only.  The women chosen for the ads were ... interesting.

Aug 10, 13 12:08 am  · 


I'm sure spending a day at Magic Mountain with your kid would be a blast, and it sounds like it was.  Magic Mountain is a fun place, for kids and kids at heart.  Still, I hope things get better.

Aug 11, 13 12:56 am  · 

jla - the one thing I can fix for sure Is "no one to talk to". Happy to lend an ear if you need one. If you want, follow the contact link on my profile to my site, email me, and I'll send you my phone number.

Aug 11, 13 1:21 am  · 

I wish we could still PM from "anonymous" accounts.  jla-x - hang in there.

Aug 11, 13 12:58 pm  · 


Such a feature would be good but make the site more cumbersome, and maybe more expensive, to administer.  If it previously existed, when did it cease to be?

Aug 11, 13 2:05 pm  · 
I second Miles' offer to be a friendly ear if needed - email or Facebook me.
Aug 11, 13 3:57 pm  · 

observant - we used to be able to do this with the old format of archinect - now you have to <del>register with the NSA</del> use your "real name" to send messages.

Aug 11, 13 9:38 pm  · 

^ What's the point? They read it all anyway. Or at least store it in some huge data terminal somewhere.

This post recorded by the NSA.

Aug 12, 13 12:17 am  · 

^ Agree with everyone else. There is someone to talk to- whether it be friends, partner, family, therapist, or members of an online community. Whatever it is, it's important to talk to someone. It will do wonders for the recovery + healing process. Internalizing what's going on is going to eat you up on the inside. People will be able to offer new perspectives, solutions, or simply just an ear for you to articulate your thoughts and feelings. You have a community of architecture nerds that are offering up this ear and support. Please take advantage of this great offer.

Aug 12, 13 12:24 pm  · 

Quote of the day:

It might be some day within our life span that animals don't have to be killed for meat anymore.  That is epic!  Congratulations, Science, thank you, and what did YOU do this decade, Homeopathy? Suck it. - Jay Novella

Aug 12, 13 2:00 pm  · 

they're celebrating that hamburgers can be grown by reproducing muscle tissue in a lab, if i'm correctly inferring the context of that quote. 

i'm going to be honest here, but i don't mind having cows killed with a hammer for my steak.  not that i'm absolutely opposed to a petri dish hamburger, but it really doesn't sound like meat to me.  more like a vegetarian burger.  which is not a burger.  i mean, i respect the cow that died for my hamburger, and i'm grateful for it's sacrifice so that i could eat a hamburger.  i think we should treat the animals we eat as good as we reasonably can and such, and not eat veal ever, but making petri dish burgers might be a step too far for my personal tastes.

and i know, "70 percent of agricultural land and 8 percent of the global water supply is already devoted to livestock production."  it's meat.  it's worth it.

Aug 12, 13 2:33 pm  · 


They say that visiting a slaughterhouse will change a person to being a vegetarian, or at least a pescetarian.   That's why I don't go visit a slaughterhouse.  I couldn't go the vegetarian route, but I would gladly be a pescetarian.  However, it's just not feasible ($) to be eating halibut, salmon, North Atlantic cod, shark, swordfish, prawns and lobster for the 7 days in the week.

Aug 12, 13 3:13 pm  · 

you could eat rice and beans a couple days of the week, like everyone else in the world.

which is going to happen to you anyway.  because it takes up too much space to grow the food necessary to raise cattle.  and it takes up to much space to grow food in general, and there are too many people.  meat is going to cost more when demand goes up but supply is unable to keep pace due to limited resources.

so, it won't be steak and hamburger everyday, or fish everyday.  we'll be eating rice and beans because those are sustainable, healthy products and if we're successful professionals, we'll hopefully be able to continue to eat real meat one or two times a week.  that's just my prediction, but you might want to build good rice and bean habits early.  maybe put them in a tortilla with some cheese or something for variety.

Aug 12, 13 3:38 pm  · 

If large scale lab meat (becoming known colloquially as schmeat!!) could feed the masses and allow animal meat to only be harvested via small-scale, sustainable, humane farms it would be wonderful.  Of course that also means only rich people could afford to eat meat from butchered animals, which is not fair or comfortable to me.

Food politics are difficult in every way. I juts like the slam on homeopathy in that quote.  and I would gladly sample schmeat.

Aug 12, 13 3:57 pm  · 


I was just joking.  I went from hating fish as a kid to loving it as an adult.  I was just implying "champagne taste on a beer budget" with that list of expensive seafood.  Actually, I vary my dinner items among meat, poultry, fish, and different pastas.

Aug 12, 13 4:13 pm  · 

i suppose we could mix schmeat into diets.  some days eat rice and beans, some days mix a bit of schmeat in, but still have a real steak on occasion.  and eat your vegetables.  which you can grow in your back yard or the flat roof on your high density urban environment.  of course it's just a small step from there to soylent green.

instead of prawns, eat crawdads.  i don't know why lobster would still be expensive.  they're like the cockroach of the sea.  pretty sure crawdads aren't expensive yet?  instead of getting halibut from your fish monger, get a fishing pole and eat catfish.  if that gets old, get a fly rod and some dry flies and pull out a few trout.  fix your diet and your soul.

Aug 12, 13 5:18 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

Shrimp is the cockroach of the sea.

Aug 12, 13 5:35 pm  · 
chatter of clouds

i'm currently functioning on the basis that the food pyramid based/ high carb low fat low protein, no saturated fat demonizing diet is an invention of the US food industry to sell more carb based (and highly processed) food items. many are coming against this pedalled malicious myth pointing out that since the increase of high carb low fat diets, the health of the population has in fact deteriorated leading to higher rates of heart attacks, cancers, increase of weight. Infact, these people are advocating a lot of red meat, full fat cheese and yoghurt, raw milk,  butter, lard, coconut oil, sesame oil and olive oil and so on (high protein, high cholesterol, balanced intake of omega 3 and the previously vilified omega 6, minimal intake of carbs...etc) - no corn oil, no canola, none of the other vegetable oils infact. a gMuch more limited quantity balanced intake of vegetables and fruits (that disintegrate into glucose and leads to a spike of insulin in your blood...) to supply some vitamins. in principle, all utilizable carbs morph into sugar in your blood...whether whole wheat, gluten name it, all these so called healthy products. high carb items in the form of legumes, potatoes (yes sweet ones as well, they all have the same effect, sugar rushand so on

book sources...

Eat Fat to Lose Fat

Life without Bread

Nourishing Traditions

Nutrition and Physical Deterioration

I didnt read any of those books (snippets of the second) but my cousin does and she knows her science.

Aug 12, 13 5:37 pm  · 

instead of getting halibut from your fish monger, get a fishing pole and eat catfish.  if that gets old, get a fly rod and some dry flies and pull out a few trout.  fix your diet and your soul.

I have tasted few things as gross as catfish.  Sorry.  About health, I really don't do whatever is proffered.  I eat oatmeal / fruit / tea in the morning, Subway chicken with condiments, or similar, for lunch, and whatever I want for dinner, including drive-through for a burger.  A buffet once every 3 weeks is also part of the regimen.

With ancestors overseas smoking a couple of packs a day and living into their 80s, all the dos and don'ts don't phase me.  I do what I want.  The only healthy thing I do is exercise, because I'm not into getting fat.  Fat is not where it's at.

Aug 12, 13 5:51 pm  · 
chatter of clouds

correction, Omega 3 was villified, not Omega 6. you need much more of 3 than 6. i.e. more saturated fat (yes, butter, egg yolk, lard...) and less grain, all grain. and of course, nothing processed (including cooking oils - that covers most oils you typically use irrespective of whether they're conning you into thinking they're healthy (like "no cholesterol, no saturated fat" oils...and now we already know cholesterol is good for you (again, the US food industry demonized cholesterol to sell its processed oils, butter replacement, grain based items...) and so is saturated fat).

here's a link

Aug 12, 13 6:08 pm  · 
chatter of clouds

oh, and no grain fed cattle (low Omega 3 high Omega 6...thats not what nature intended) . i.e. most beef in the US is a big no no. completely evil and profit driven. I think lamb is (still?) grass fed in the US (or perhaps lamb is sourced elsewhere)?   that could be a good substitute.

Aug 12, 13 6:19 pm  · 

Just came back from Aegean Sea region. Really good food.

Aug 12, 13 6:29 pm  · 

I heard today Maine Lobster  is at an all time low cost.  Seems that Global Warming is making their population soar.  So the Maine Lobster fishermen are going for bigger catches   just to keep their heads above water.  Who would have thought, Global Warming was a blessing in the common market for the end user...or should I say eater...

Aug 12, 13 6:40 pm  · 

snook - place downstairs from my office is advertising lobster sandwich with bacon on a brioche.  they should just call it cholesterol sandwich. 

Aug 12, 13 9:38 pm  · 
will thise who fight GMO agriculture end up supporters of lab-produced meat? odd situations we find ourselves in.
Aug 12, 13 9:52 pm  · 
*those*. argh.
Aug 12, 13 9:53 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

Lab grown meat came up more than once today, no kidding. I just watched a creepy movie where the people ate lab-grown meat of celebrity flesh. The butcher shops and restaurants served celebrity schmeat.

Aug 12, 13 11:46 pm  · 

Soylent Green. Solves multiple problems.

Aug 12, 13 11:55 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton
My biggest concern on the schmeat front is that at some point it won't be JUST muscle fibers and beet juice. At some point, they will want to cut cost, and since its all made in a lab, how will we know if its animal, vegetal, or chemical?

I read about various diets, but then I function on what works best for ME. That seems to be lots of bread, butter, cheese, and then sour foods like pickles and kraut. Seems my Polish heritage has affected how my body processes foods.
Aug 13, 13 8:43 am  · 

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