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be nice to chicago - they don't have much going for them.

Mar 20, 13 11:11 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I interviewed with a company that did all the Wal Mart designs.  They were very nice, but didn't offer me the job.  When I saw the principal later at a job fair, he remembered me, and said I should've followed up with a phone call.  I had sent him a written thank you note, guess it wasn't the same.  Oh well.

Mar 20, 13 12:09 pm  · 

curtkram, I'll let you know after the event, where we will have about five different countries represented.  The one I want to try is the "Venteo" apparently from Venice: a hotdog topped with balsamic-glazed radicchio, red peppers, and fresh ricotta.

Will, the Japan hotdog calls for Kewpie mayo and wasabi - I may need you to mail me some Kewpie if I can't find it here!

Mar 20, 13 12:22 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

That sounds terrible on a hotdog.  But if it was salami...

Mar 20, 13 1:06 pm  · 
No worries Donna. Sounds not so palatable to me but I'm always happy to help out.
Mar 20, 13 7:47 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton
What is kewpie?
Mar 20, 13 8:39 pm  · 


Mar 21, 13 12:30 am  · 

they sell that stuff in korean groceries around here - and a couple normal groceries carry it.

Mar 21, 13 9:16 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

So it's sold in a bag, with a baby on it?  It looks like cheese, but it's got a baby, so it's cheese made from baby milk?

Mar 21, 13 9:56 am  · 

no - it's a bottle in a plastic bag - japanese products tend to have a lot of packaging for some reason.


picture taken at local korean grocery chain (not by me).

Mar 21, 13 10:09 am  · 
Apparently it's mayo but made with rice vinegar not white vinegar. Which sounds good to me, I like rice vinegar.

Today I'm assembling ikea-type furniture at my job. An hour ago I was putting together cost estimates for work at Saarinen's Miller House. Never dull around here!
Mar 21, 13 10:34 am  · 

If rice vinegar is made out of rice? What the hell is white vinegar made out of?

Soylent green mustard is made out of mustard seeds and white people!

Mar 21, 13 11:03 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

Well, well. I was just at the dumpster outside and there was some broken IKEA furniture in it and I coined my new favorite word: dumpsterfodder. You heard it here first.

Mar 21, 13 11:17 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Now thats just silly, a bottle in a bag?  shakes head

Mar 21, 13 11:30 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

Hmm. I really thought maybe I invented it. Then, I insist I am the first to smoosh the two words and pronounce it with a Northern EU accent!

Mar 21, 13 11:46 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

I do a decent Swedish Chef. IDK, guess you had to be there.

Mar 21, 13 11:47 am  · 

The Swedish Chef accent definitely changes the term for the better.  Much more charming.

White vinegar is made out of white grapes.  Which are actually green but we don't say "green wine", do we?

Charles Mudede is my favorite architecture critic. And while I fully consider this column of his to be about architecture, I welcome disagreement because it would be fun to talk about.

Hm, perhaps a thread? Wait for it...

Mar 21, 13 12:24 pm  · 

That took 27 seconds!

Mar 21, 13 12:26 pm  · 

Well white wine isn't necessarily made with green grapes anyways Donna, it can be made from either green or red grapes. The whiteness comes from not having contact with the grape skins for nearly as long as red wines do.

Mar 21, 13 2:49 pm  · 

Derp.  I knew that , rationalist, I just forgot.




Or too much wine.

Mar 21, 13 3:29 pm  · 

anyone else see this?


seems like it will be just slightly less pornographic and slightly more political than the "edible" mags you get at all those hipsterery locavorely  places...


modern farmer tumblr.

Mar 21, 13 4:17 pm  · 

and here's how to baby goat:

Mar 21, 13 4:30 pm  · 

re: dumpsters and such, one of my clearest memories of English curriculum from college, is reading Lars Eighner's essay "On Dumpster Diving". it was educational, made me feel prepared for the life of a hobo.

Ive never lived that way bu know people who have been at least freegan-lite... and I can almost be convinced of its necessity (?) given consumerism/waste etc.

re: Modern Farmer,

"Founded by a former New York Times and Monocle editor, we want to talk to people who care about where their food comes from"

dammm! that is some hipsterery locavorely rootz...

Mar 21, 13 5:44 pm  · 
Mar 21, 13 7:47 pm  · 

I was just thinking the other day about ochona, and wishing he was still around.  He was in Texas too, Sarah, you would have liked him. 

And Oana!  I wonder what she's up to nowadays!  And puddles... of course I miss puddles.  le sigh.  It WAS crazy in here during the boom times.  You'd have thought we were all too busy working crazy hours!  

btw - speaking of boom times - things seem to be heating up again (well, thawing out, at least) in our fair corner of mideastistan.

Mar 21, 13 11:08 pm  · 

weird, Sarah, you'd think a handwritten thank you note would have counted for more than a phone call.

I can't handle this baby goat thing.  I have been somewhat obsessive about goats for much of my life - it runs in the family, my dad is crazy for goats owing to his having been a goatherder as a child - and I could handle my obsession back before the internets discovered goats.  All it was was the occasional trip to a petting zoo in which I was the only adult without child.  Creepy, but manageable.  NOW goats are everywhere and it is too, too much for me!  Too much cuteness!  

Mar 21, 13 11:15 pm  · 

Also, I always thought the excessive Japanese packaging was due to their unbridled love of little papery things and graphics and nice neat little closed-up bundles and folding and, well, packaging.


It's sort of all of a piece, is what I am saying.

Mar 21, 13 11:33 pm  · 

i can't figure why there is so much packaging.  its beyond me, but everything is like that.  then we burn it to make electricity.  so i guess its part of the energy cycle or something.  

damndest thing is the wrapped bananas. that's just diabolical.

Mar 22, 13 6:05 am  · 

Go Crimson!   On to the second round!

Mar 22, 13 9:50 am  · 

I think wrapped bananas are tools for  sex education.

Mar 22, 13 12:51 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Oh, Gross, Snook!  Funny, but YUCK!


And I was thinking of you the other day.  Since my son and I started watching episodes of Home Again with Bob Villa (starting with season 1), he hasn't stopped talking about Ryly the builder.  I thought you were up there in the New England area, and wondered if you knew him.  Since I now have his address, Abram wants to write him a letter.  Is that weird?

Mar 22, 13 1:15 pm  · 

Sarah,  I always find the Term Master Builder an odd one.  I was introduced to a master builder a number of years ago who is now a building official.  I guess I should call him  a Master Building Official.  He was kinda cold to me at first but as time passes he seems like a pretty good fellow.  So I can't pass judgment on Bob Ryley. 

Spent the day doing  masonry foundation demolition work (manual labor)  getting our little diner ready for the move to a warehouse where were going to restore her.  I bushed but promised Mrs Snooker, I would attend the Ballet with her.  The Company is one of our exciting Spring Projects. 

More later the Dinner Cow Bell just rang.

Mar 23, 13 6:22 pm  · 

hm, prolly not snook (re the banana and sex-ed).  some fetish possibly involved though.  there are worse things, like the fact a single apple costs a buck 50. 

oh, and our PM wants to induce inflation so we can get the economy going again.  i expect everything will just get expensive but our fees, budgets, and wages will stay as they are so we can experience a more american flavored depression too in the not so distant future.  cheers to the financial people out there who make policy for countries but clearly are just trying whatever pops into their heads and somehow squeezes through the ideology decoder.  it's like everyone in power is channelling rumsfeld or something...

Mar 24, 13 9:02 am  · 

I thought apples actually grew in Japan, is that not the case?  If they are grown in-country how can they cost $1.50 a piece?

Snook, did you mean the ballet company is one your spring projects?  The diner sounds interesting as always.  Didn't realize you were actually moving it to restore it.  What's the reasoning behind this?

I lost complete faith in the finance types when I, like many, many other regular folk in my town, started talking about the fact that there was CLEARLY going to be a real estate bubble burst & a stock market crash like back in '06, '07.  And then it happened and all the finance-types literally were saying, nobody could see that coming!  Not our fault that we didn't predict this!  BS.  The coming inevitable crash was a big topic of conversation in the years leading up to '08 - but just amongst us plebes, apparently.  The folks in charge, who were engineering the whole thing, were supposedly blind.  This is when I realized that none of them have any clue what they're doing, and a Finance degree can't replace open eyes + common sense.  Willful blindness is a powerful tool for a capitalist.

Mar 24, 13 10:55 am  · 

Willful blindness is a powerful tool for a capitalist.

Indeed it is.


I'm a bit hung over today.

Mar 24, 13 12:22 pm  · 

We should be over our hangover days by the time we leave college.  Alcohol is expensive ... and boring.

By the way, America's wealth has "officially" returned.  The Dow has reached its pre-dip levels.  That means we have been returned to our previous positions economically.  NOT.  The events don't give us those years back ... and the heartbreak for many is not erasable.

Mar 24, 13 12:56 pm  · 
vado retro

Donna and Steven, I thought of you both at a charity wine and spirit tasting the other night. had some very smooth bourbons and ryes from a distillery called High West.

Mar 24, 13 3:09 pm  · 

Yes the Ballet Company (school)   is early age thru High school. They have a full school year program and draw students from around the world.   The Ballet last night  is one of their major performances. It is a variety of  ages  with the  most advanced students getting to show there stuff.  There a  youth out of this program who move into  professional companies upon graduation.  It is a first class act.  The works are mainly classical but  they do have an association with Moses Pendleton of Momix.  They performed a couple of his pieces at the end of the evening which were jaw dropping in the world of  beauty.  I kept thinking damn this is really good stuff and these are junior high and high school students.

Anyhow were doing some work on their Building, my part being mostly fixing things.  Mrs. Snooker  is reworking their retail store, and doing a tea room, and revisions  their street facade for a more friendly street appearance.  She is also doing some branding for them in defining their graphic package.  We are hoping for a long association with a first rate school.

We are moving the diner from its current location (which is common)  It is a complex story. Which would take way to much time on this site.  I will let you know  once we have our web site up and running.  It will be loaded with information.  This think has been like a clap of thunder.

Mar 24, 13 5:43 pm  · 
whiskey from utah, vado?! hrmph.

(kidding. i'm no snob... though i do *try* to be kentucky-patriotic.)
Mar 24, 13 7:19 pm  · 
David Cuthbert

Heya all. Sorry for the long bout of silence. I've been busily putting together the school's peer review publication which is finally complete and back from the printers. And also I successfully completed all my registration examinations. I'm just waiting on my registration numbers and then I'll be partaking in some of that whiskey too... or bourbon.

Also I'll be in Columbus for the Easter weekend. Holler if you are close by. 

Mar 24, 13 11:28 pm  · 
vado retro

congrats, techno!!!

yeah i thought the same thing steven. we also tasted some from alabamy as well.

Mar 25, 13 7:05 am  · 

ooh i just started seeing the High West brand around Gville. Good stuff i thought.

also good morning all.

Mar 25, 13 8:47 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Texas has whiskey now, too.  Haven't tried any of it, though.

Mar 25, 13 11:21 am  · 

Up here we've got a resurgence of "new england style" rums and gins.  Rum is particularly interesting to me because there's a whole bunch of small producers trying to recreate "traditional" aged styles that people haven't tasted since the 19th century.  I've tried some and it's kind of reminiscent of butterscotch...


the few people I know who drink hard liquor around here do things like vodka martinis, gin and tonics, or dark and stormys (or shots of this nasty mint shit called Dr. McGillicuddy).  most people drink beer.

Mar 25, 13 2:33 pm  · 

i tend to drink mostly beer, but enjoy a neat whiskey on side. also sometimes get a craving for a DIRTY martini with blue cheesed olives.....

Mar 25, 13 3:52 pm  · 

I'm craving a cement mixer right now.........

Mar 25, 13 5:39 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton
With or without the elephant trunk?
Mar 25, 13 5:59 pm  · 
Apples grow in Japan but we don't have agri-business nor cheap labor from desparate neighbors ( well not like USA anyway ). So yeah a 1.50 for an apple. For a cheap apple mind. Expensive fruits are priced according to crazy ass market populated by the financial folks. They'll pay more n 10 bucks for apple in a wrapper and not think twice. Money and reason do not always go hand in hand...

Congrats david. Awesome news!
Mar 25, 13 7:35 pm  · 

nor cheap labor from desparate neighbors ( well not like USA anyway )

Why always putting out a jab at the USA?  Most of us who are familiar with Canada like it ... and say nothing negative about it.  In fact, I don't know ANY Americans who have an issue with Canada.

Mar 25, 13 8:08 pm  · 

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