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The Illinois Institute of Technology College of Architecture publish NOWNESS

By WielAretsArchitects
Apr 18, '13 2:15 PM EST

NOWNESS is the first publication of the Illinois Institute of Technology College of Architecture under the direction of Wiel Arets, published to coincide with the investiture of Arets as the college's newest Dean. Presenting the curriculum and ambitions for the 2013-2014 academic year, NOWNESS also introduces readers and prospective students to the college's history and legacy, the latter inherited from Mies van der Rohe–the college's original director in the early twentieth century. Including interviews, conversations, and commentary by Ken Frampton, Stanley Tigerman, and Robert McCarter, with imagery by Erwin Olaf, Bas Princen, and Thomas Ruff–among others–the publication formalizes the foundations of the school's refocused academic outlook, repositioning it as a globally and locally engaged institution of architectural research, knowledge, and debate.

Read more about NOWNESS