Skye Ruozzi

Skye Ruozzi

Brooklyn, NY, US



+ NOW ON EXHIBIT at numerous streetscape installations around the US

+ exhibited at Philadelphia Art Alliance Gallery : Philadelphia, PA
+ exhibited at Sheldon Swope Art Museum, Terre Haute, Indiana
+ exhibited at Goldstein Museum of Design : St. Paul, Minnesota
+ exhibited at Ball State University : Muncie, Indiana 2011 show RIMMEA: RESEARCH IN MATERIALS AND MANUFACTURING FOR EXTREME AFFORDABILITY

Our nation’s urban areas contain miles of chainlink fencing, guarding our property lines and defining a perceptual edge between public and private lands.  Chainlink fencing, although very resistant to vertical forces, often falls victim to horizontal forces, resulting in bulges, creases and other deviations.  Although unsightly, these deformations hold hidden potential: they blur the perceptual edge offered by the fence and thicken the assumed line between public and private lands. fencePOCKET is designed to create new public space within these fencescape deviations.

To work well within this context, fencePOCKET is designed to be:

SUSTAINABLE: fencePOCKET is constructed entirely of reclaimed tarp, becoming a consumer of waste, not a generator of it. The resiliency of this tarp, a deficit if placed within a landfill, becomes a huge asset when used to create fencePOCKET, adding durability and longevity to the construction.

LEGAL: fencePOCKET can be tailored to any deformation, eliminating any legal issues associated with trespassing into either public or private lands.

EFFICIENT: fencePOCKET uses a simple weave construction – a process that allows even the smallest sections of reclaimed tarp to tap into the strength of existing fences.

ELASTIC: fencePOCKET can be built anywhere a fencescape deviation exists: any city, any country, any place.

USEFUL: fencePOCKET can accommodate a wide range of uses:

fencePOCKET_PARK [public lands are vanishing]
fencePOCKET_GARDEN [the average American meal travels about 1500 miles]
fencePOCKET_FREE STORE [Americans deposit 56 tons of trash into landfills every year, around one-third of which is related to new purchases]
fencePOCKET_BENCH [US cities are quickly removing benches to combat public sleeping]
fencePOCKET_COT [there are currently over 650,000 people in the US without shelter]

OPEN-SOURCE: fencePOCKET is completely open source: created wherever a fencescape deviation exists (open-site) by anyone who would like to take possession of wasted space (open-architect/contractor), programmed by whoever has the desire to realize its utility (open-developer) and occupied by whoever desires to do so (open-user).

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Status: Built
Location: Philadelphia, PA, US and elsewhere
My Role: Assistant Designer
Additional Credits: International Design Clinic